# gleam_stats

A Gleam project for generating and working with random numbers, distributions and statistics. The repository is available on [Github]( while the documentation is hosted on:
- [Github Pages]( for the current development version.
- [HexDocs]( for the current stable version.

## Quick start

# Run the eunit tests
rebar3 eunit

# Run the Erlang REPL
rebar3 shell

## Installation

If [available in Hex](
this package can be installed by adding one of the following options to your `rebar.config` dependencies:

{deps, [
    %% Hex dependencies
    %% - Current stable version:
    {gleam_stdlib, "~> 0.15.0"}

    %% Git dependencies
    %% - Current development version:
    %% {gleam_stats, "", {git, "git://", {branch, "main"}}}