# gleatfy
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gleam add gleatfy@1
import gleam/hackney
import gleatfy.{
High, Markdown, View, actions, message, priority, send, tags, title, topic,
pub fn main() {
|> topic(is: "gleatfy_test_topic")
|> priority(is: High)
|> message(is: Markdown(
"[**gleatfy**](https://github.com/l-x/gleatfy) is a [Gleam](https://gleam.run) client for the [ntfy](https://ntfy.sh) push notification API",
|> title(is: "Aufgemerkt!")
|> tags(are: ["warning", "important"])
|> actions(are: [
View("View on GitHub", "https://github.com/l-x/gleatfy", clear_after: True),
View("Visit ntfy.sh", "https://ntfy.sh", clear_after: False),
View("Visit gleam.run", "https://gleam.run", clear_after: False),
|> send(using: hackney.send)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/gleatfy>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests