# gleatter
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**Typed route definitions for seamless fullstack development !**
## Installation
gleam add gleatter
## Usage
import gleatter
import gleatter/body
import gleatter/route
import gleatter/path
import gleatter/lustre as gleatter_lustre
import gleam/json
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/http
pub type Todo {
Todo(id: String, title: String)
fn encoder(t: Todo) -> json.Json {
#("id", json.string(t.id)),
#("title", json.string(t.title)),
fn decoder(
value: dynamic.Dynamic,
) -> Result(Todo, List(dynamic.DecodeError)) {
|> dynamic.decode2(
dynamic.field("id", dynamic.string),
dynamic.field("title", dynamic.string),
pub fn main() {
let get_all_todos_route = route.new()
|> with_path(path.static_path(["todos"]))
|> with_response_body(body.json_body(encoder, decoder))
// This route can be shared and used by both frontend and backend applications
// Here is an example for a frontend lustre application using gleatter_lustre
|> gleatter_lustre.with_port(2345)
|> gleatter_lustre.for_route(get_all_todos_route)
|> gleatter_lustre.with_path(Nil) // For now, this is necessary
|> gleatter_lustre.send(
fn(todos) { ServerSentTodos(todos) }, // ServerSentTodos is a Lustre message
fn(_err) { effect.none() } // This is for error handling
See also the `gleatter/service` module for easy route definitions.
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/gleatter>.
## Features
- Route definitions with full type support
- Erlang and Javascript targets
- Easy service route definitions
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests