# glerd_valid

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Gleam Record validators using Glerd metadata

gleam add --dev glerd glerd_valid

#### 1. Describe your records with validation metadata


pub type User {
  /// valid:age:'gte=18, lt=150'
  /// valid:name:'gte=3, lt=100'
  User(age: Int, name: String)

#### 2. Generate Records info

Use [Glerd](

#### 3. Make module for validators generation

###### my_module.gleam

import glerd_valid
import glerd_gen

pub fn main() {
  |> glerd_valid.generate("src", _)

#### 4. Gen validators

gleam run -m my_module

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Supported metadata

| operator | type                        | description                        |
| gte, min | Int, Float, String (length) | should be greater than or equal to |
| gt       | Int, Float, String (length) | should be greater than             |
| lte, max | Int, Float, String (length) | should be less than or equal to    |
| lt       | Int, Float, String (length) | should be less than                |
| eq       | Int, Float, String, Bool    | should be equal to                 |
| ne       | Int, Float, String, Bool    | should not be equal to             |

## Development

gleam test # and then commit generated file