# Glific - Two Way Open Source Communication Platform

## Packages Needed
Install the following packages using your favorite package manager. Links are provided for some
* [Install Elixir](
* [Install Postgres](
1. For Postgres, for the development server, we default to using postgres/postgres as the username/password.
This is configurable
2. The db user needs to have **superuser status** on the database since we create a materialized view.
This might change in a future release to a table
## Download code
* [Download the latest code from GitHub](
## Setup
* Copy the file: `config/dev.secret.exs.txt` to `config/dev.secret.exs` and edit it with your credentials
* Run `mix setup`
* Run `mix phx.server`
## Here we go
Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.
## Learn more
### Glific
* [One Pager](
* [Google Drive](
* [Product Features](
* [First Blog Post](
## Chat with us
* [Chat on Discord]( - Coming soon