
defmodule Glific.Enums.Constants do
  @moduledoc """
  The Enums constant are where all enum values across our entire
  application should be defined. This is the source of truth for
  all enums

  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    quote do
      # standard first part of a tuple for many api calls
      @api_status_const [:ok, :error]

      # the status determines if we can send a message to the contact
      @contact_status_const [:blocked, :failed, :invalid, :processing, :valid]

      # the provider status determines if we can send a message to the contact
      @contact_provider_status_const [:none, :session, :session_and_hsm, :hsm]

      # the enums for the flow engine
      @flow_case_const [:has_any_word]

      @flow_router_const [:switch]

      @flow_action_type_const [

      @flow_type_const [:message]

      # the direction of the messages: inbound: provider to glific, outbound: glific to provider
      @message_flow_const [:inbound, :outbound]

      # the status of the message as indicated by the provider
      @message_status_const [

      # the different possible types of message
      @message_type_const [

      # the different possible types of interactive message
      @interactive_message_type_const [:list, :quick_reply]

      # the different possible types of import contact types
      @import_contacts_type_const [:file_path, :url, :data]

      # the possible question type constants
      @question_type_const [:text, :numeric, :date]

      # the possible sort direction for lists/rows, typically used in DB operations
      @sort_order_const [:asc, :desc]

      # Supported types for contact field values
      @contact_field_value_type_const [:text, :integer, :number, :boolean, :date]

      # Contact fields scope types
      @contact_field_scope_const [:contact, :globals]

      # User roles
      @user_roles_const [:none, :staff, :manager, :admin, :glific_admin]

      # Template button types
      @template_button_type_const [:call_to_action, :quick_reply]

      # organization status types
      @organization_status_const [
        # when organization is there but not active
        # Admin approves the organization and it's ready to setup.
        # Organization is fully functional and activated
        # organization is suspended and no activity can be performed on that
        # admin wants to delete the organization