
defmodule Glific.Mails.CriticalNotificationMail do
  @moduledoc """
  CriticalNotificationMail is a mail that is sent to the org admin when a critical error occurs.
  alias Glific.{Communications.Mailer, Partners.Organization}

  @doc """
  Sends a critical notification mail to the org admin.
  @spec new_mail(Organization.t(), String.t()) :: Swoosh.Email.t()
  def new_mail(org, message) do
    subject = "Glific CRITICAL Issue: Needs your immediate attention."

    body = """
    Hello #{}

    Your Glific instance has run into this critical error: #{message}

    Please contact the Glific team in case you don't understand the issue.

    The Glific team

    Mailer.common_send(org, subject, body)