# glimit
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A simple, framework-agnostic, in-memory rate limiter for Gleam. 💫
> ⚠️ This library is still in development, use at your own risk.
## Features
* ✨ Simple and easy to use.
* 📏 Rate limits based on any key (e.g. IP address, or user ID).
* 🪣 Uses a distributed Token Bucket algorithm to rate limit requests.
* 🗄️ No back-end service needed; stores rate limit stats in-memory.
## Usage
A very minimalistic example of how to use `glimit` would be the following snippet:
import glimit
let limiter =
|> glimit.per_second(2)
|> glimit.identifier(fn(x) { x })
|> glimit.on_limit_exceeded(fn(_) { "Stop!" })
|> glimit.build
let func =
fn(_) { "OK" }
|> glimit.apply(limiter)
func("🚀") // "OK"
func("💫") // "OK"
func("💫") // "OK"
func("💫") // "Stop!"
func("🚀") // "OK"
func("🚀") // "Stop!"
A more practical example would be to use `glimit` to rate limit requests to a mist HTTP server:
import glimit
fn handle_request(req: Request(Connection)) -> Response(ResponseData) {
let index =
|> response.set_body(mist.Bytes(bytes_builder.new()))
let not_found =
|> response.set_body(mist.Bytes(bytes_builder.new()))
case request.path_segments(req) {
[] -> index
_ -> not_found
fn get_identifier(req: Request(Connection)) -> Result(String, String) {
|> get_client_info
|> result.map(fn(client_info: ConnectionInfo) {
client_info.ip_address |> string.inspect
|> result.unwrap("unknown IP address")
pub fn main() {
let rate_limit_reached = fn(_req) -> {
|> response.set_body(mist.Bytes(bytes_builder.new()))
let limiter =
|> glimit.per_second(10)
|> glimit.burst_limit(100)
|> glimit.identifier(get_identifier)
|> glimit.on_limit_exceeded(rate_limit_reached)
|> glimit.build
let assert Ok(_) =
|> glimit.apply(limiter)
|> mist.new
|> mist.port(8080)
|> mist.start_http
## Constraints
While the in-memory rate limiter is simple and easy to use, it does have an important constraint: it is scoped to the BEAM VM cluster it runs in. This means that if your application is running across multiple BEAM VM clusters, the rate limiter will not be shared between them.
There are plans to add support for a centralized data store using Redis in the future.
## Documentation
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/glimit/glimit.html>.
## Contributing
Contributions like PR's, bug reports or suggestions are more than welcome! ♥️