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  glitzer - make your projects :sparkles: sparkle :sparkles:
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<details open="open">
<summary>Table of Contents</summary>

- [About](#about)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  - [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [A simple progress bar](#a-simple-progress-bar)
  - [Progress bar templates](#progress-bar-templates)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
- [Support](#support)
- [Project assistance](#project-assistance)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)



## About

Glitzer (german for "glitter" or "sparkle") is a library for gleam that helps
you create progress bars and other fancy progress reporting and command line
utilities. It is written in pure gleam and supports javascript and erlang.

<img src="" width="100%">

## Getting Started

### Installation

Simply run

gleam add glitzer

in your projects root directory to add the library to your project.

## Usage

You can access the progress bars with `import glitzer/progress`.

### A simple progress bar

import gleam/int
import gleam/iterator

import glitzer/progress

pub fn main() {
    let bar = 
        |> progress.with_length(100)
        |> progress.with_fill(progress.char_from_string("+"))
        |> progress.with_empty(progress.char_from_string("-"))
        |> progress.with_left_text("Doing stuff: ")
    iterator.range(1, 100)
    |> progress.each_iterator(bar, fn(bar, i) {
        progress.with_left_text(bar, int.to_string(i) <> " ")
        |> progress.print_bar
        // do some other stuff here

### Progress bar templates

Glitzer also provides some premade templates for progress bars. All of these
templates have a default length of 100. As an example, here is how you could use
the `fancy_slim_arrow_bar` template.

import glitzer/progress

pub fn main() {
    let bar = progress.fancy_slim_arrow_bar()
    do_stuff(bar, 0)

fn do_stuff(bar, count) {
    case count < 100 {
       True -> {
            let bar = progress.tick(bar)
            // some heavy lifting
            do_stuff(bar, count + 1)
       False -> Nil 

All templates can be found in the

### Spinners

Import spinners into your project using `import glitzer/spinner`.

import glitzer/spinner

pub fn main() {
  let s =
    |> spinner.with_left_text("Imma spin >:3 ")
    |> spinner.with_finish_text("I'm dizzy :(")
    |> spinner.spin // this will continuously spin your spinner

    // do some stuff
    // update the text
    spinner.with_left_text(s, "Now imma spin some more :] ")
    |> spinner.with_frame_transform(fn(s) {"<" <> s <> ">"})

    spinner.finish(s) // clear the line and print the finish text

## Roadmap

See the [open issues]( for a list of
proposed features (and known issues).

- [Top Feature Requests](
  (Add your votes using the ๐Ÿ‘ reaction)
- [Top Bugs](
  (Add your votes using the ๐Ÿ‘ reaction)
- [Newest Bugs](

## Support

New code and pull requests are greatly appreciated! If you want to contribute,
check the [contributing guidelines](#contributing) and submit a PR :3

If you have any questions, feel free to
[create a question]((!
Please note that it may take some time for me to respond. I am not paid for
doing this and do have a private life (surprise!) :]

If something is very urgent, you may
[write me an email]( However, only do this if it's
something major like a security issue or harassement in some discussion of the
project. Harassement does not mean someone not agreeing with your point of view
about the project.

## Project assistance

If you want to say **thank you** or/and support active development of glitzer,
feel free to add a [GitHub Star]( to the

## Contributing

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make
the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are **greatly

Please read [our contribution guidelines](docs/, and thank you
for being involved!

## License

This project is licensed under the **GNU General Public License v3**.

See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.

## Acknowledgements

- [indicatif]( greatly inspired this
- [spinner]( is a very cool gleam library to
  create simple spinners. If you don't need more than that, check them out!