# globlin

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This package brings file globbing to Gleam. A `Pattern` is created by compiling the glob pattern string into the equivalent regex internally. This pattern can then be compared against other strings to find matching paths.

Note: This library doesn't include methods to directly query the file system so that it can be used in the browser where that isn't available.

## Add Dependency

gleam add globlin

## Pattern Syntax

There are seven special matching patterns supported by this package. They should be familiar to anyone who has used similar packages before.

### Question Mark `?`

This matches any single character except the slash `/`.

### Star `*`

This matches zero or more characters except the slash `/`.

### Globstar `**`

This matches zero or more directories. It must be surrounded by the end of the string or slash `/`.

- Isolated: `**`
- Prefix: `**/tail`
- Infix: `head/**/tail`
- Postfix: `**`

Note: When found at the end of the pattern, it matches all directories and files.

### Inclusive Char Set `[abc]`

This matches any character in the set.

### Exclusive Char Set `[!abc]`

This matches any character not in the set when the exclamation point `!` follows the opening square bracket.

### Inclusive Range `[a-z]`

This matches any character from start to finish.

### Exclusive Range `[!a-z]`

This matches any character not included in a range.

## Option Flags

There are two option flags available to change the behavior of matching. They are both turned off by default when using the `new_pattern` method.

### `ignore_case`

This changes all matches to be case insensitive.

### `match_dotfiles`

Allow wildcards like `?`, `*` and `**` to match dotfiles.

## Example

import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import globlin

pub fn main() {
  let files = [
    ".gitignore", "gleam.toml", "LICENCE", "manifest.toml", "",
    "src/globlin.gleam", "test/globlin_test.gleam",

  let assert Ok(pattern) = globlin.new_pattern("**/*.gleam")

  |> list.filter(keeping: globlin.match_pattern(pattern:, path: _))
  |> list.each(io.println)
  // src/globlin.gleam
  // test/globlin_test.gleam

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam test  # Run the tests