# gluple
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Tuple methods for Gleam
gleam add gluple
import gluple/reflect as gr
import gluple/addition as ga
import gluple/transform as gt
import gluple/removal as grm
pub fn main() {
gr.is_tuple(#(1, 2, 3)) // True
gr.tuple_size(#(1, True, "test")) // Ok(3)
gr.tuple_element(#("test"), 0) // Ok(dynamic.from("test"))
gr.tuple_to_list(#(1, 2, 3)) // Ok([dynamic.from(1), dynamic.from(2), dynamic.from(3)])
gr.list_to_tuple([1, 2, 3]) // dynamic.from(#(1, 2, 3))
ga.append2(#(1, True), "test") // #(1, True, "test")
use _n, _b, <- ga.with_append2(#(1, True))
} // #(1, True, "test")
gt.replace_last2(#(1, True), "test") // #(1, "test")
use _n, _b, <- ga.with_replace2(#(1, True))
} // #(1, "test")
#(1, True) |> grm.remove_first2 // #(True)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/gluple>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell