elixir-gmail [![Build Status]( "Build Status")]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![ version](]( [![ downloads](](

A simple Gmail REST API client for Elixir, mostly built as a learning exercise.

You can find the hex package [here](, and the docs [here](

You can find documentation for Gmail's API at

## Usage

First, add the client to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:gmail, "~> 0.0.17"}]

Then run `$ mix do deps.get, compile` to download and compile your dependencies.

Finally, add the `:gmail` application as your list of applications in `mix.exs`:

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :gmail]]

## Notes

#### API Support

Client support is planned for:

* [x] Threads
* [x] Messages
* [x] Labels
* [ ] Drafts
* [ ] History
* [ ] Attachments

#### Auth

As of now the library doesn't do the initial auth generation for you; you'll
need to create an app on the [Google Developer
Console]( to get a client ID and secret
and authorize a user to get an authorization code, which you can trade for an
access token. 

The library will however, when you supply a refresh token, use that to refresh
an expired access token for you. Take a look in the `dev.exs.sample` config
file to see what your config should look like.

### TODO
* [x] Stop mocking HTTP requests and use [Bypass]( instead
* [x] Add format option when fetching threads
* [ ] .. and messages
* [ ] .. and drafts
* [ ] Batched requests