
defmodule Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream do
  @moduledoc """
  A module representing a NATS JetStream Stream.

  Learn more about Streams:

  ## The Jetstream.API.Stream struct

  The struct's mandatory fields are `:name` and `:subjects`. The rest will have the NATS
  default values set.

  Stream struct fields explanation:

  * `:allow_rollup_hdrs` - allows the use of the Nats-Rollup header to replace all contents of a stream,
    or subject in a stream, with a single new message.
  * `:deny_delete` - restricts the ability to delete messages from a stream via the API. Cannot be changed
    once set to true.
  * `:deny_purge` - restricts the ability to purge messages from a stream via the API. Cannot be change
    once set to true.
  * `:description` - a short description of the purpose of this stream.
  * `:discard` - determines what happens when a Stream reaches its limits. It has the following options:
     - `:old` - the default option. Old messages are deleted.
     - `:new` - refuses new messages.
  * `:domain` - JetStream domain, mainly used for leaf nodes.
     See [JetStream on Leaf Nodes](
  * `:duplicate_window` - the window within which to track duplicate messages, expressed in nanoseconds.
  * `:max_age` - maximum age of any message in the Stream, expressed in nanoseconds.
  * `:max_bytes` - how many bytes the Stream may contain. Adheres to `:discard`, removing oldest or
    refusing new messages if the Stream exceeds this size.
  * `:max_consumers` - how many Consumers can be defined for a given Stream, -1 for unlimited.
  * `:max_msg_size` - the largest message that will be accepted by the Stream.
  * `:max_msgs_per_subject` - For wildcard streams ensure that for every unique subject this many messages are kept - a per subject retention limit.
    Only available on nats-server versions greater than 2.3.0
  * `:max_msgs` - how many messages may be in a Stream. Adheres to `:discard`, removing oldest or refusing
    new messages if the Stream exceeds this number of messages
  * `:mirror` - maintains a 1:1 mirror of another stream with name matching this property.  When a mirror
    is configured subjects and sources must be empty.
  * `:name` - a name for the Stream.
    See [naming](
  * `:no_ack` - disables acknowledging messages that are received by the Stream.
  * `:num_replicas` - how many replicas to keep for each message.
  * `:placement` - placement directives to consider when placing replicas of this stream, random placement
    when unset. It has the following properties:
     - `:cluster` - the desired cluster name to place the stream.
     - `:tags` - tags required on servers hosting this stream.
  * `:retention` - how messages are retained in the Stream. Once this is exceeded, old messages are removed.
    It has the following options:
     - `:limits` - the default policy.
     - `:interest`
     - `:workqueue`
  * `:sealed` - sealed streams do not allow messages to be deleted via limits or API, sealed streams can not
    be unsealed via configuration update. Can only be set on already created streams via the Update API.
  * `:sources` - list of stream names to replicate into this stream.
  * `:storage` - the type of storage backend. Available options:
     - `:file`
     - `:memory`
  * `:subjects` - a list of subjects to consume, supports wildcards.
  * `:template_owner` - when the Stream is managed by a Stream Template this identifies the template that
    manages the Stream.

  import Gnat.Jetstream.API.Util

  @enforce_keys [:name, :subjects]
  @derive Jason.Encoder
  defstruct [
    allow_rollup_hdrs: false,
    deny_delete: false,
    deny_purge: false,
    discard: :old,
    duplicate_window: 120_000_000_000,
    max_age: 0,
    max_bytes: -1,
    max_consumers: -1,
    max_msg_size: -1,
    max_msgs_per_subject: -1,
    max_msgs: -1,
    num_replicas: 1,
    retention: :limits,
    sealed: false,
    storage: :file

  @type nanoseconds :: non_neg_integer()

  @type placement :: %{
          :cluster => binary(),
          optional(:tags) => list(binary())

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          allow_rollup_hdrs: boolean(),
          deny_delete: boolean(),
          deny_purge: boolean(),
          description: nil | binary(),
          discard: :old | :new,
          domain: nil | binary(),
          duplicate_window: nil | nanoseconds(),
          max_age: nanoseconds(),
          max_bytes: integer(),
          max_consumers: integer(),
          max_msg_size: nil | integer(),
          max_msgs: integer(),
          max_msgs_per_subject: integer(),
          mirror: nil | source(),
          name: binary(),
          no_ack: nil | boolean(),
          num_replicas: pos_integer(),
          placement: nil | placement(),
          retention: :limits | :workqueue | :interest,
          sealed: boolean(),
          sources: nil | list(source()),
          storage: :file | :memory,
          subjects: nil | list(binary()),
          template_owner: nil | binary()

  @typedoc """
  Stream source fields explained:

  * `:name` - stream name.
  * `:opt_start_seq` - sequence to start replicating from.
  * `:opt_start_time` - timestamp to start replicating from.
  * `:filter_subject` - replicate only a subset of messages based on filter.
  * `:external` - configuration referencing a stream source in another account or JetStream domain.
    It has the following parameters:
     - `:api` - the subject prefix that imports other account/domain `$JS.API.CONSUMER.>` subjects
     - `:deliver` - the delivery subject to use for push consumer
  @type source :: %{
          :name => binary(),
          optional(:opt_start_seq) => integer(),
          optional(:opt_start_time) => DateTime.t(),
          optional(:filter_subject) => binary(),
          optional(:external) => %{
            api: binary(),
            deliver: binary()

  @type info :: %{
            | %{
                optional(:name) => binary(),
                optional(:leader) => binary(),
                optional(:replicas) =>
                    :active => nanoseconds(),
                    :name => binary(),
                    :current => boolean(),
                    optional(:offline) => boolean(),
                    optional(:lag) => non_neg_integer()
          config: t(),
          created: DateTime.t(),
          mirror: nil | source_info(),
          sources: nil | list(source_info()),
          state: state()

  @type state :: %{
          bytes: non_neg_integer(),
          consumer_count: non_neg_integer(),
          deleted: nil | [non_neg_integer()],
          first_seq: non_neg_integer(),
          first_ts: DateTime.t(),
          last_seq: non_neg_integer(),
          last_ts: DateTime.t(),
          lost: nil | list(%{msgs: [non_neg_integer()], bytes: non_neg_integer()}),
          messages: non_neg_integer(),
          num_deleted: nil | integer(),
          num_subjects: nil | integer(),
            | %{}
            | %{
                binary() => non_neg_integer()

  @typedoc """
  * `code` - HTTP like error code in the 300 to 500 range
  * `description` - A human friendly description of the error
  * `err_code` - The NATS error code unique to each kind of error
  @type response_error :: %{
          :code => non_neg_integer(),
          optional(:description) => binary(),
          optional(:err_code) => non_neg_integer()

  @type source_info :: %{
          :active => nanoseconds(),
          :lag => non_neg_integer(),
          :name => binary(),
          optional(:external) => %{
            api: binary(),
            deliver: binary()
          optional(:error) => response_error()

  @type streams :: %{
          limit: non_neg_integer(),
          offset: non_neg_integer(),
          streams: list(binary()),
          total: non_neg_integer()

  @typedoc """
  * `seq` - Stream sequence number of the message to retrieve, cannot be combined with `last_by_subj`
  * `last_by_subj` - Retrieves the last message for a given subject, cannot be combined with `seq`
  @type message_access_method :: %{
          optional(:seq) => non_neg_integer(),
          optional(:last_by_subj) => binary()

  @typedoc """
  * `data` - The decoded message payload
  * `subject` - The subject the message was originally received on
  * `time` - The time the message was received
  * `seq` - The sequence number of the message in the Stream
  * `hdrs` - The decoded headers for the message
  @type message_response :: %{
          :data => any(),
          :seq => non_neg_integer(),
          :subject => binary(),
          :time => DateTime.t(),
          :hdrs => nil | binary()

  # @doc """
  # Initialize a Stream struct

  # ## Examples

  #     iex> %Stream{} =, name: "NEW_STREAM", subjects: ["NEW_STREAM.subjects"])
  # """
  # @spec new(conn :: Gnat.t(), fields :: keyword()) :: t()
  # def new(conn, fields \\ []) do
  #   %__MODULE__{}
  # end

  @doc """
  Creates a new Stream.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, %{created: _}} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "anewstream", subjects: ["anewsubject"]})

  @spec create(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream :: t()) :: {:ok, info()} | {:error, any()}
  def create(conn, %__MODULE__{} = stream) do
    with :ok <- validate(stream),
         {:ok, stream} <-
           ) do
      {:ok, to_info(stream)}

  @doc """
  Updates a Stream.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, %{created: _}} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "update_test_stream", subjects: ["update_subject"]})
      iex> {:ok, _} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.update(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "update_test_stream", subjects: ["update_subject", "new.update_subject"]})

  @spec update(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream :: t()) :: {:ok, info()} | {:error, any()}
  def update(conn, %__MODULE__{} = stream) do
    with :ok <- validate(stream),
         {:ok, stream} <-
           ) do
      {:ok, to_info(stream)}

  @doc """
  Deletes a Stream and all its data.

  ## Examples

      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "delstream", subjects: ["delsubject"]})
      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.delete(:gnat, "delstream")

      iex> {:error, %{"code" => 404, "description" => "stream not found"}} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.delete(:gnat, "wrong_stream")

  @spec delete(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream_name :: binary(), domain :: nil | binary()) ::
          :ok | {:error, any()}
  def delete(conn, stream_name, domain \\ nil) when is_binary(stream_name) do
    with {:ok, _response} <- request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.DELETE.#{stream_name}", "") do

  @doc """
  Purges all of data in the stream but doesn't delete the stream.

  ## Examples

      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "purgestream", subjects: ["purgesubject"]})
      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.purge(:gnat, "purgestream")

      iex> {:error, %{"code" => 404, "description" => "stream not found"}} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.purge(:gnat, "wrong_stream")

  @spec purge(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream_name :: binary(), domain :: nil | binary()) ::
          :ok | {:error, any()}
  def purge(conn, stream_name, domain \\ nil) when is_binary(stream_name) do
    with {:ok, _response} <- request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.PURGE.#{stream_name}", "") do

  @doc """
  Purges some of the messages in a stream according to the supplied filter

  ## Examples

      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "pstream", subjects: ["psub1", "psub2"]})
      iex> Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.purge(:gnat, "pstream", nil, %{filter: "psub1"})

  @type method :: %{filter: String.t()}
  @spec purge(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream_name :: binary(), domain :: nil | binary(), method) ::
          :ok | {:error, any()}
  def purge(conn, stream_name, domain, method) when is_binary(stream_name) do
    with :ok <- validate_purge_method(method),
         body <- Jason.encode!(method),
         {:ok, _response} <- request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.PURGE.#{stream_name}", body) do

  @doc """
  Information about config and state of a Stream.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, _} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.create(:gnat, %Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream{name: "infostream", subjects: ["infosubject"]})
      iex> {:ok, %{created: _}} =, "infostream")

      iex> {:error, %{"code" => 404, "description" => "stream not found"}} =, "wrong_stream")

  @spec info(conn :: Gnat.t(), stream_name :: binary(), domain :: nil | binary()) ::
          {:ok, info()} | {:error, any()}
  def info(conn, stream_name, domain \\ nil) when is_binary(stream_name) do
    with {:ok, decoded} <- request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.INFO.#{stream_name}", "") do
      {:ok, to_info(decoded)}

  @doc """
  Paged list of known Streams including all their current information.

  ## Options

  * `:offset` - Number of records to skip
  * `:subject` - A subject the `Stream` must collect to appear in the list.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, %{total: _, offset: 0, limit: 1024, streams: _}} = Gnat.Jetstream.API.Stream.list(:gnat)

  @spec list(
          conn :: Gnat.t(),
          params :: [offset: non_neg_integer(), subject: binary(), domain: nil | binary()]
        ) ::
          {:ok, streams()} | {:error, term()}
  def list(conn, params \\ []) do
    domain = Keyword.get(params, :domain)

    payload =
        offset: Keyword.get(params, :offset, 0),
        subject: Keyword.get(params, :subject)

    with {:ok, decoded} <- request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.NAMES", payload) do
      # Recent versions of NATS sometimes return `"streams": null` in their JSON payload to indicate
      # that no streams are defined. But, that would mean callers have to handle both `nil` and a list, so
      # we coerce that to an empty list to represent no streams being defined.
      streams = case Map.get(decoded, "streams") do
        nil -> []
        names when is_list(names) -> names

      result = %{
        limit: Map.get(decoded, "limit"),
        offset: Map.get(decoded, "offset"),
        streams: streams,
        total: Map.get(decoded, "total")

      {:ok, result}

  @doc """
  Get a message from the stream either by "stream sequence number" or the "last message for a given subject"
  @spec get_message(
          conn :: Gnat.t(),
          stream_name :: binary(),
          method :: message_access_method(),
          domain :: nil | binary()
        ) ::
          {:ok, message_response()} | {:error, response_error()}
  def get_message(conn, stream_name, method, domain \\ nil) when is_map(method) do
    with :ok <- validate_message_access_method(method),
         {:ok, %{"message" => message}} <-
           request(conn, "#{js_api(domain)}.STREAM.MSG.GET.#{stream_name}", Jason.encode!(method)) do
         data: decode_base64(message["data"]),
         seq: message["seq"],
         subject: message["subject"],
         time: to_datetime(message["time"]),
         hdrs: decode_base64(message["hdrs"])

  defp js_api(nil), do: "$JS.API"
  defp js_api(""), do: "$JS.API"
  defp js_api(domain), do: "$JS.#{domain}.API"

  defp to_state(state) do
      bytes: Map.fetch!(state, "bytes"),
      consumer_count: Map.fetch!(state, "consumer_count"),
      deleted: Map.get(state, "deleted"),
      first_seq: Map.fetch!(state, "first_seq"),
      first_ts: Map.fetch!(state, "first_ts") |> to_datetime(),
      last_seq: Map.fetch!(state, "last_seq"),
      last_ts: Map.fetch!(state, "last_ts") |> to_datetime(),
      lost: Map.get(state, "lost"),
      messages: Map.fetch!(state, "messages"),
      num_deleted: Map.get(state, "num_deleted"),
      num_subjects: Map.get(state, "num_subjects"),
      subjects: Map.get(state, "subjects")

  defp to_stream(stream) do
      description: Map.get(stream, "description"),
      discard: Map.fetch!(stream, "discard") |> to_sym(),
      duplicate_window: Map.get(stream, "duplicate_window"),
      max_age: Map.fetch!(stream, "max_age"),
      max_bytes: Map.fetch!(stream, "max_bytes"),
      max_consumers: Map.fetch!(stream, "max_consumers"),
      max_msg_size: Map.get(stream, "max_msg_size"),
      max_msgs_per_subject: Map.get(stream, "max_msgs_per_subject", -1),
      max_msgs: Map.fetch!(stream, "max_msgs"),
      mirror: Map.get(stream, "mirror"),
      name: Map.fetch!(stream, "name"),
      no_ack: Map.get(stream, "no_ack"),
      num_replicas: Map.fetch!(stream, "num_replicas"),
      placement: Map.get(stream, "placement"),
      retention: Map.fetch!(stream, "retention") |> to_sym(),
      sources: Map.get(stream, "sources"),
      storage: Map.fetch!(stream, "storage") |> to_sym(),
      subjects: Map.get(stream, "subjects"),
      template_owner: Map.get(stream, "template_owner")
    # Check for fields added in NATS versions higher than 2.2.0
    |> put_if_exist(:allow_rollup_hdrs, stream, "allow_rollup_hdrs")
    |> put_if_exist(:deny_delete, stream, "deny_delete")
    |> put_if_exist(:deny_purge, stream, "deny_purge")
    |> put_if_exist(:sealed, stream, "sealed")

  defp to_info(%{"config" => config, "state" => state, "created" => created} = response) do
    with {:ok, created, _} <- DateTime.from_iso8601(created) do
        cluster: Map.get(response, "cluster"),
        config: to_stream(config),
        created: created,
        mirror: Map.get(response, "mirror"),
        sources: Map.get(response, "sources"),
        state: to_state(state)

  defp validate(stream_settings) do
    cond do
      Map.has_key?(stream_settings, :name) == false ->
        {:error, "Must have a :name set"}

      is_binary(Map.get(stream_settings, :name)) == false ->
        {:error, "name must be a string"}

      valid_name?( == false ->
        {:error, "invalid name: " <> invalid_name_message()}

      Map.has_key?(stream_settings, :subjects) == false ->
        {:error, "You must specify a :subjects key"}

      is_list(Map.get(stream_settings, :subjects)) == false ->
        {:error, ":subjects must be a list of strings"}

      Enum.all?(Map.get(stream_settings, :subjects), &is_binary/1) == false ->
        {:error, ":subjects must be a list of strings"}

      true ->

  defp validate_message_access_method(method) do
    if map_size(method) == 1 do
      {:error, "To get a message you must use only one of `seq` or `last_by_subj`"}

  defp validate_purge_method(%{filter: subject}) when is_binary(subject) do

  defp validate_purge_method(_) do
    {:error, "When purging, you must pass a %{filter: subject}"}