# State transitions:
# :waiting_for_message => receive PING, send PONG => :waiting_for_message
# :waiting_for_message => receive MSG... -> :waiting_for_message
defmodule Gnat do
@moduledoc """
The primary interface for interacting with NATS
use GenServer
require Logger
alias Gnat.{Command, Parsec}
@type t :: GenServer.server()
@type headers :: [{binary(), iodata()}]
@typedoc """
A message received from NATS will be delivered to your process in this form.
Please note that the `:reply_to` and `:headers` keys are optional.
They will only be present if the message was received from the NATS server with
headers or a `reply_to` topic
* `gnat` - The Gnat connection
* `topic` - The topic on which the message arrived
* `body` - The raw payload of the message
* `sid` - The subscription ID corresponding to this message. You generally won't need to use this value directly.
* `reply_to` - A topic supplied for expected replies
* `headers` - A set of NATS message headers on the message
* `status` - Similar to an HTTP status, this is present for messages with headers and can indicate the specific purpose of a message. Example `status: "408"`
* `description` - A string description of the `status`
@type message :: %{
required(:gnat) => t(),
required(:topic) => binary(),
required(:body) => iodata(),
required(:sid) => non_neg_integer(),
optional(:reply_to) => binary(),
optional(:headers) => headers(),
optional(:status) => String.t(),
optional(:description) => String.t()
@type sent_message :: {:msg, message()}
@typedoc """
* `connection_timeout` - limits how long it can take to establish a connection to a server
* `host` - The location of the NATS server
* `port` - The port the NATS server is listening on
* `ssl_opts` - Options for connecting over SSL
* `tcp_opts` - Options for connecting over TCP
* `tls` - If the server should use a TLS connection
* `inbox_prefix` - Prefix to use for the message inbox of this connection
* `no_responders` - Enable the no responders behavior (see `Gnat.request/4`)
@type connection_settings :: %{
optional(:connection_timeout) => non_neg_integer(),
optional(:host) => binary(),
optional(:inbox_prefix) => binary(),
optional(:port) => non_neg_integer(),
optional(:ssl_opts) => list(),
optional(:tcp_opts) => list(),
optional(:tls) => boolean(),
optional(:no_responders) => boolean(),
@typedoc """
[Info Protocol](https://docs.nats.io/reference/reference-protocols/nats-protocol#info)
* `client_id` - An optional unsigned integer (64 bits) representing the internal client identifier in the server. This can be used to filter client connections in monitoring, correlate with error logs, etc...
* `client_ip` - The IP address the client is connecting from
* `cluster` - The name of the cluster if any
* `cluster_dynamic` - If the cluster is dynamic
* `connect_urls` - An optional list of server urls that a client can connect to.
* `ws_connect_urls` - An optional list of server urls that a websocket client can connect to.
* `git_commit` - The git commit associated with this NATS version
* `go` - The version of golang the NATS server was built with
* `headers` - If messages can have headers in them
* `host` - The IP address used to start the NATS server, by default this will be and can be configured with -client_advertise host:port
* `jetstream` - If the server is using JetStream features
* `max_payload` - Maximum payload size, in bytes, that the server will accept from the client
* `port` - The port number the NATS server is configured to listen on
* `proto` - An integer indicating the protocol version of the server. The server version 1.2.0 sets this to 1 to indicate that it supports the "Echo" feature.
* `server_id` - The unique identifier of the NATS server
* `server_name` - A name for the server
* `version` - The version of the NATS server
* `ldm` - If the server supports Lame Duck Mode notifications, and the current server has transitioned to lame duck, ldm will be set to true.
* `auth_required` - If this is set, then the client should try to authenticate upon connect.
* `tls_required` - If this is set, then the client must perform the TLS/1.2 handshake. Note, this used to be ssl_required and has been updated along with the protocol from SSL to TLS.
* `tls_verify` - If this is set, the client must provide a valid certificate during the TLS handshake.
* `tls_available` - If the server can use TLS
@type server_info :: %{
:client_id => non_neg_integer(),
:client_ip => binary(),
optional(:ip) => binary(),
optional(:cluster) => binary(),
optional(:cluster_dynamic) => boolean(),
optional(:connect_urls) => list(binary()),
optional(:ws_connect_urls) => list(binary()),
optional(:git_commit) => binary(),
:go => binary(),
:headers => boolean(),
:host => binary(),
optional(:jetstream) => binary(),
:max_payload => integer(),
:port => non_neg_integer(),
:proto => integer(),
:server_id => binary(),
:server_name => binary(),
:version => binary(),
optional(:ldm) => boolean(),
optional(:tls_verify) => boolean(),
optional(:tls_available) => boolean(),
optional(:tls_required) => boolean(),
optional(:auth_required) => boolean(),
@default_connection_settings %{
host: ~c"localhost",
port: 4222,
tcp_opts: [:binary],
connection_timeout: 3_000,
ssl_opts: [],
tls: false,
inbox_prefix: "_INBOX.",
no_responders: false
@request_sid 0
@doc """
Starts a connection to a nats broker
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{host: '', port: 4222})
# if the server requires TLS you can start a connection with:
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{host: '', port: 4222, tls: true})
# if the server requires TLS and a client certificate you can start a connection with:
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{tls: true, ssl_opts: [certfile: "client-cert.pem", keyfile: "client-key.pem"]})
# you can customize default "_INBOX." inbox prefix with:
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{host: '', port: 4222, inbox_prefix: "my_prefix._INBOX."})
# you can use IPv6 addresses too
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{host: '::1', port: 4222, tcp_opts: [:inet6, :binary]})
You can also pass arbitrary SSL or TCP options in the `tcp_opts` and `ssl_opts` keys.
If you pass custom TCP options please include `:binary`. Gnat uses binary matching to parse messages.
The final `opts` argument will be passed to the `GenServer.start_link` call so you can pass things like `[name: :gnat_connection]`.
@spec start_link(connection_settings(), keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start
def start_link(connection_settings \\ %{}, opts \\ []) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, connection_settings, opts)
@doc """
Gracefully shuts down a connection
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
:ok = Gnat.stop(gnat)
@spec stop(t()) :: :ok
def stop(pid), do: GenServer.call(pid, :stop)
@doc """
Subscribe to a topic
Supported options:
* queue_group: a string that identifies which queue group you want to join
By default each subscriber will receive a copy of every message on the topic.
When a queue_group is supplied messages will be spread among the subscribers
in the same group. (see [nats queueing](https://nats.io/documentation/concepts/nats-queueing/))
The subscribed process will begin receiving messages with a structure of `t:sent_message/0`
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
{:ok, subscription} = Gnat.sub(gnat, self(), "topic")
receive do
{:msg, %{topic: "topic", body: body}} ->
IO.puts "Received: \#\{body\}"
@spec sub(t(), pid(), String.t, keyword()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:ok, String.t} | {:error, String.t}
def sub(pid, subscriber, topic, opts \\ []) do
start = :erlang.monotonic_time()
result = GenServer.call(pid, {:sub, subscriber, topic, opts})
latency = :erlang.monotonic_time() - start
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :sub], %{latency: latency}, %{topic: topic})
@doc """
Publish a message
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
:ok = Gnat.pub(gnat, "characters", "Ron Swanson")
If you want to provide a reply address to receive a response you can pass it as an option.
[See request-reply pattern](https://docs.nats.io/nats-concepts/core-nats/reqreply).
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
:ok = Gnat.pub(gnat, "characters", "Star Lord", reply_to: "me")
If you want to publish a message with headers you can pass the `:headers` key in the `opts` like this.
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
:ok = Gnat.pub(gnat, "listen", "Yo", headers: [{"foo", "bar"}])
Headers must be passed as a `t:headers()` value (a list of tuples).
Sending and parsing headers has more overhead than typical nats messages
(see [the Nats 2.2 release notes for details](https://docs.nats.io/whats_new_22#message-headers)),
so only use them when they are really valuable.
@spec pub(t(), String.t, binary(), keyword()) :: :ok
def pub(pid, topic, message, opts \\ []) do
start = :erlang.monotonic_time()
opts = prepare_headers(opts)
result = GenServer.call(pid, {:pub, topic, message, opts})
latency = :erlang.monotonic_time() - start
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :pub], %{latency: latency} , %{topic: topic})
@doc """
Send a request and listen for a response synchronously
Following the nats [request-reply pattern](https://docs.nats.io/nats-concepts/core-nats/reqreply) this
function generates a one-time topic to receive replies and then sends a message to the provided topic.
Supported options:
* `receive_timeout` - An integer number of milliseconds to wait for a response. Defaults to 60_000
* `headers` - A set of headers you want to send with the request (see `Gnat.pub/4`)
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
case Gnat.request(gnat, "i_can_haz_cheezburger", "plZZZZ?!?!?") do
{:ok, %{body: delicious_cheezburger}} -> :yum
{:error, :timeout} -> :sad_cat
## No Responders
If you send a request to a topic that has no registered listeners, it is sometimes convenient to find out
right away, rather than waiting for a timeout to occur. In order to support this use-case, you can start
your Gnat connection with the `no_responders: true` option and this function will return very quickly with
an `{:error, :no_responders}` value. This behavior also works with `request_multi/4`
@spec request(t(), String.t, binary(), keyword()) :: {:ok, message} | {:error, :timeout} | {:error, :no_responders}
def request(pid, topic, body, opts \\ []) do
start = :erlang.monotonic_time()
receive_timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :receive_timeout, 60_000)
req = %{recipient: self(), body: body, topic: topic}
opts = prepare_headers(opts)
req =
case Keyword.get(opts, :headers) do
nil -> req
headers -> Map.put(req, :headers, headers)
{:ok, subscription} = GenServer.call(pid, {:request, req})
response = receive_request_response(subscription, receive_timeout)
:ok = unsub(pid, subscription)
latency = :erlang.monotonic_time() - start
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :request], %{latency: latency}, %{topic: topic})
@doc """
Send a request and listen for multiple responses synchronously
This function makes it easy to do a scatter-gather operation where you wait for a limited time
and optionally a maximum number of replies.
Supported options:
* `receive_timeout` - An integer number of milliseconds to wait for responses. Defaults to 60_000
* `max_messages` - An integer number of messages to listen for. Defaults to -1 meaning unlimited
* `headers` - A set of headers you want to send with the request (see `Gnat.pub/4`)
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
{:ok, responses} = Gnat.request_multi(gnat, "i_can_haz_fries", "plZZZZZ!?!?", max_messages: 5)
Enum.count(responses) #=> 5
@spec request_multi(t(), String.t(), binary(), keyword()) :: {:ok, list(message())} | {:error, :no_responders}
def request_multi(pid, topic, body, opts \\ []) do
start = :erlang.monotonic_time()
receive_timeout_ms = Keyword.get(opts, :receive_timeout, 60_000)
expiration = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond) + receive_timeout_ms
max_messages = Keyword.get(opts, :max_messages, -1)
req = %{recipient: self(), body: body, topic: topic}
opts = prepare_headers(opts)
req =
case Keyword.get(opts, :headers) do
nil -> req
headers -> Map.put(req, :headers, headers)
{:ok, subscription} = GenServer.call(pid, {:request, req})
result =
case receive_multi_request_responses(subscription, expiration, max_messages) do
{:error, :no_responders} -> {:error, :no_responders}
responses when is_list(responses) -> {:ok, responses}
:ok = unsub(pid, subscription)
latency = :erlang.monotonic_time() - start
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :request_multi], %{latency: latency}, %{topic: topic})
@doc """
Unsubscribe from a topic
Supported options:
* `max_messages` - Number of messages to be received before automatically unsubscribed
This correlates to the [UNSUB](https://docs.nats.io/reference/reference-protocols/nats-protocol#unsub) command in the nats protocol.
By default the unsubscribe is affected immediately, but an optional `max_messages` value can be provided which will allow
`max_messages` to be received before affecting the unsubscribe.
This is especially useful for request/reply patterns.
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
{:ok, subscription} = Gnat.sub(gnat, self(), "my_inbox")
:ok = Gnat.unsub(gnat, subscription)
# OR
:ok = Gnat.unsub(gnat, subscription, max_messages: 2)
@spec unsub(t(), non_neg_integer() | String.t, keyword()) :: :ok
def unsub(pid, sid, opts \\ []) do
start = :erlang.monotonic_time()
result = GenServer.call(pid, {:unsub, sid, opts})
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :unsub], %{latency: :erlang.monotonic_time() - start})
@doc """
Ping the NATS server
This correlates to the [PING](https://docs.nats.io/reference/reference-protocols/nats-protocol#ping-pong) command in the NATS protocol.
If the NATS server responds with a PONG message this function will return `:ok`
{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link()
:ok = Gnat.ping(gnat)
@deprecated "Pinging is handled internally by the connection, this functionality will be removed"
def ping(pid) do
GenServer.call(pid, {:ping, self()})
receive do
:pong -> :ok
3_000 -> {:error, "No PONG response after 3 sec"}
@doc "Get the number of active subscriptions"
@spec active_subscriptions(t()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()}
def active_subscriptions(pid) do
GenServer.call(pid, :active_subscriptions)
@doc """
Get information about the NATS server the connection is for
@spec server_info(t()) :: server_info()
def server_info(name) do
GenServer.call(name, :server_info)
@impl GenServer
def init(connection_settings) do
connection_settings = Map.merge(@default_connection_settings, connection_settings)
case Gnat.Handshake.connect(connection_settings) do
{:ok, socket, server_info} ->
parser = Parsec.new
request_inbox_prefix = Map.fetch!(connection_settings, :inbox_prefix) <> "#{nuid()}."
state = %{socket: socket,
connection_settings: connection_settings,
server_info: server_info,
next_sid: 1,
receivers: %{},
parser: parser,
request_receivers: %{},
request_inbox_prefix: request_inbox_prefix}
state = create_request_subscription(state)
{:ok, state}
{:error, reason} ->
{:stop, reason}
@impl GenServer
def handle_info({:tcp, socket, data}, %{socket: socket}=state) do
data_packets = receive_additional_tcp_data(socket, [data], 10)
new_state = Enum.reduce(data_packets, state, fn(data, %{parser: parser}=state) ->
{new_parser, messages} = Parsec.parse(parser, data)
new_state = %{state | parser: new_parser}
Enum.reduce(messages, new_state, &process_message/2)
{:noreply, new_state}
def handle_info({:ssl, socket, data}, state) do
handle_info({:tcp, socket, data}, state)
def handle_info({:tcp_closed, _}, state) do
{:stop, "connection closed", state}
def handle_info({:ssl_closed, _}, state) do
{:stop, "connection closed", state}
def handle_info({:tcp_error, _, reason}, state) do
{:stop, "tcp transport error #{inspect(reason)}", state}
def handle_info({:DOWN, _ref, :process, pid, _reason}, state) do
{sid, _receiver} = Enum.find(state.receivers, fn {_sid, receiver} -> receiver.recipient == pid end)
state = unsub_sid(sid, [], state)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info(other, state) do
Logger.error "#{__MODULE__} received unexpected message: #{inspect other}"
{:noreply, state}
@impl GenServer
def handle_call(:stop, _from, state) do
{:stop, :normal, :ok, state}
def handle_call({:sub, receiver, topic, opts}, _from, %{next_sid: sid}=state) do
sub = Command.build(:sub, topic, sid, opts)
:ok = socket_write(state, sub)
ref = Process.monitor(receiver)
next_state = add_subscription_to_state(state, sid, receiver, ref) |> Map.put(:next_sid, sid + 1)
{:reply, {:ok, sid}, next_state}
def handle_call({:pub, topic, message, opts}, from, state) do
commands = [Command.build(:pub, topic, message, opts)]
froms = [from]
{commands, froms} = receive_additional_pubs(commands, froms, 10)
:ok = socket_write(state, commands)
Enum.each(froms, fn(from) -> GenServer.reply(from, :ok) end)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_call({:request, request}, _from, state) do
inbox = make_new_inbox(state)
new_state = %{state | request_receivers: Map.put(state.request_receivers, inbox, request.recipient)}
pub =
case request do
%{headers: headers} ->
Command.build(:pub, request.topic, request.body, headers: headers, reply_to: inbox)
_ ->
Command.build(:pub, request.topic, request.body, reply_to: inbox)
:ok = socket_write(new_state, [pub])
{:reply, {:ok, inbox}, new_state}
# When the SID is a string, it's a topic, which is used as a key in the request receiver map.
def handle_call({:unsub, topic, _opts}, _from, state) when is_binary(topic) do
if Map.has_key?(state.request_receivers, topic) do
request_receivers = Map.delete(state.request_receivers, topic)
new_state = %{state | request_receivers: request_receivers}
{:reply, :ok, new_state}
{:reply, :ok, state}
def handle_call({:unsub, sid, opts}, _from, state) do
state = unsub_sid(sid, opts, state)
{:reply, :ok, state}
def handle_call({:ping, pinger}, _from, state) do
:ok = socket_write(state, "PING\r\n")
{:reply, :ok, Map.put(state, :pinger, pinger)}
def handle_call(:active_subscriptions, _from, state) do
active_subscriptions = Enum.count(state.receivers)
{:reply, {:ok, active_subscriptions}, state}
def handle_call(:server_info, _from, state) do
{:reply, state.server_info, state}
defp unsub_sid(sid, opts, state) do
case Map.get(state.receivers, sid) do
nil ->
%{monitor_ref: ref} ->
command = Command.build(:unsub, sid, opts)
:ok = socket_write(state, command)
state = cleanup_subscription_from_state(state, sid, opts)
defp create_request_subscription(%{request_inbox_prefix: request_inbox_prefix}=state) do
# Example: "_INBOX.Jhf7AcTGP3x4dAV9.*"
wildcard_inbox_topic = request_inbox_prefix <> "*"
sub = Command.build(:sub, wildcard_inbox_topic, @request_sid, [])
:ok = socket_write(state, [sub])
add_subscription_to_state(state, @request_sid, self(), nil)
defp make_new_inbox(%{request_inbox_prefix: prefix}), do: prefix <> nuid()
defp nuid(), do: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(12) |> Base.encode64
defp prepare_headers(opts) do
if Keyword.has_key?(opts, :headers) do
headers = :cow_http.headers(Keyword.get(opts, :headers))
Keyword.put(opts, :headers, headers)
defp socket_close(%{socket: socket, connection_settings: %{tls: true}}), do: :ssl.close(socket)
defp socket_close(%{socket: socket}), do: :gen_tcp.close(socket)
defp socket_write(%{socket: socket, connection_settings: %{tls: true}}, iodata) do
:ssl.send(socket, iodata)
defp socket_write(%{socket: socket}, iodata), do: :gen_tcp.send(socket, iodata)
defp add_subscription_to_state(%{receivers: receivers}=state, sid, pid, ref) do
receivers = Map.put(receivers, sid, %{recipient: pid, monitor_ref: ref, unsub_after: :infinity})
%{state | receivers: receivers}
defp cleanup_subscription_from_state(%{receivers: receivers}=state, sid, []) do
receivers = Map.delete(receivers, sid)
%{state | receivers: receivers}
defp cleanup_subscription_from_state(%{receivers: receivers}=state, sid, [max_messages: n]) do
receivers = put_in(receivers, [sid, :unsub_after], n)
%{state | receivers: receivers}
defp process_message({:msg, topic, @request_sid, reply_to, body}, state) do
if Map.has_key?(state.request_receivers, topic) do
send state.request_receivers[topic], {:msg, %{topic: topic, body: body, reply_to: reply_to, gnat: self()}}
Logger.error "#{__MODULE__} got a response for a request, but that is no longer registered"
defp process_message({:msg, topic, sid, reply_to, body}, state) do
unless is_nil(state.receivers[sid]) do
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :message_received], %{count: 1}, %{topic: topic})
send state.receivers[sid].recipient, {:msg, %{topic: topic, body: body, reply_to: reply_to, sid: sid, gnat: self()}}
update_subscriptions_after_delivering_message(state, sid)
Logger.error "#{__MODULE__} got message for sid #{sid}, but that is no longer registered"
defp process_message({:hmsg, topic, @request_sid, reply_to, status, description, headers, body}, state) do
if Map.has_key?(state.request_receivers, topic) do
map = %{
topic: topic,
body: body,
reply_to: reply_to,
gnat: self(),
headers: headers,
status: status,
description: description
send state.request_receivers[topic], {:msg, map}
Logger.error "#{__MODULE__} got a response for a request, but that is no longer registered"
defp process_message({:hmsg, topic, sid, reply_to, status, description, headers, body}, state) do
unless is_nil(state.receivers[sid]) do
:telemetry.execute([:gnat, :message_received], %{count: 1}, %{topic: topic})
map = %{
topic: topic,
body: body,
reply_to: reply_to,
sid: sid,
gnat: self(),
headers: headers,
status: status,
description: description
send state.receivers[sid].recipient, {:msg, map}
update_subscriptions_after_delivering_message(state, sid)
Logger.error "#{__MODULE__} got message for sid #{sid}, but that is no longer registered"
defp process_message(:ping, state) do
socket_write(state, "PONG\r\n")
defp process_message(:pong, state) do
send state.pinger, :pong
defp process_message({:error, message}, state) do
type: :gnat_error_from_broker,
message: message,
defp receive_additional_pubs(commands, froms, 0), do: {commands, froms}
defp receive_additional_pubs(commands, froms, how_many_more) do
receive do
{:"$gen_call", from, {:pub, topic, message, opts}} ->
commands = [Command.build(:pub, topic, message, opts) | commands]
froms = [from | froms]
receive_additional_pubs(commands, froms, how_many_more - 1)
0 -> {commands, froms}
defp receive_additional_tcp_data(_socket, packets, 0), do: Enum.reverse(packets)
defp receive_additional_tcp_data(socket, packets, n) do
receive do
{:tcp, ^socket, data} ->
receive_additional_tcp_data(socket, [data | packets], n - 1)
0 -> Enum.reverse(packets)
defp update_subscriptions_after_delivering_message(%{receivers: receivers}=state, sid) do
receivers = case get_in(receivers, [sid, :unsub_after]) do
:infinity -> receivers
1 -> Map.delete(receivers, sid)
n -> put_in(receivers, [sid, :unsub_after], n - 1)
%{state | receivers: receivers}
defp receive_multi_request_responses(_sub, _exp, 0), do: []
defp receive_multi_request_responses(subscription, expiration, max_messages) do
timeout = expiration - :erlang.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
cond do
timeout < 1 ->
true ->
case receive_request_response(subscription, timeout) do
{:error, :no_responders} ->
{:error, :no_responders}
{:error, :timeout} ->
{:ok, msg} ->
[msg | receive_multi_request_responses(subscription, expiration, max_messages - 1)]
defp receive_request_response(subscription, timeout) do
receive do
{:msg, %{topic: ^subscription, status: "503"}} ->
{:error, :no_responders}
{:msg, %{topic: ^subscription}=msg} ->
{:ok, msg}
after timeout ->
{:error, :timeout}