# Goal ⚽
A library for parsing and validating parameters. It takes the `params` (e.g. from an Phoenix controller action), validates them against a schema, and returns an atom-based map or an error changeset. It's based on [Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto), so every validation that you have for database fields can be applied in validating parameters.
Goal is different from other validation libraries because of its syntax, it being Ecto-based, and it validates data using pure functions instead of building embedded `Ecto.Schema` in the background.
Goal allows you to configure your own regexes. This is helpful in case of backward compatibility, where Goal's defaults might not match your production system's regexes.
## Installation
Add `goal` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:goal, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
There are several patterns you can choose to validate parameters using Goal.
### Using module attributes
defmodule MyApp.SomeController do
import Goal
@schema %{
id: [format: :uuid, required: true],
name: [min: 3, max: 20, required: true]
def create(conn, params) do
with {:ok, attrs} <- validate_params(params, @schema) do
### Using private functions
defmodule MyApp.SomeController do
import Goal
def create(conn, params) do
with {:ok, attrs} <- validate_params(params, schema()) do
defp schema do
id: [format: :uuid, required: true],
name: [min: 3, max: 20, required: true]
### Using the defschema Macro
defmodule MyApp.SomeController do
import Goal
import Goal.Syntax
def create(conn, params) do
with {:ok, attrs} <- validate_params(params, schema()) do
defp schema do
defschema do
required :uuid, :string, format: :uuid
required :name, :string, min: 3, max: 3
optional :age, :integer
## Features
### Defining validations
Define field types with `:type`:
- `:string`
- `:integer`
- `:boolean`
- `:float`
- `:decimal`
- `:date`
- `:time`
- `:map`
- `{:array, inner_type}`, where `inner_type` can be any of the field types
- See [Ecto.Schema](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Schema.html#module-primitive-types) for the full list
The default field type is `:string`. That means you don't have to define this field in the schema
if the value will be a string.
Define map fields with `:properties`.
Define string validations:
- `:equals`, string value
- `:is`, string length
- `:min`, minimum string length
- `:max`, maximum string length
- `:trim`, boolean to remove leading and trailing spaces
- `:squish`, boolean to trim and collapse spaces
- `:format`, atom to define the regex (available are: `:uuid`, `:email`, `:password`, `:url`)
Define integer validations:
- `:is`, integer value
- `:min`, minimum integer value
- `:max`, maximum integer value
- `:greater_than`, minimum integer value
- `:less_than`, maximum integer value
- `:greater_than_or_equal_to`, minimum integer value
- `:less_than_or_equal_to`, maximum integer value
- `:equal_to`, integer value
- `:not_equal_to`, integer value
### Bring your own regex
Goal has sensible defaults for string format validation. If you'd like to use your own regex, e.g. for validating email addresses or passwords, you can add your own regex in the configuration.
config :goal,
uuid_regex: ~r/^[[:alpha:]]+$/,
email_regex: ~r/^[[:alpha:]]+$/,
password_regex: ~r/^[[:alpha:]]+$/,
url_regex: ~r/^[[:alpha:]]+$/
### Deeply nested maps
Goal efficiently builds error changesets for nested maps. There is no limitation on depth. If the schema is becoming too verbose, you could consider splitting up the schema into reusable components.
params = %{
"nested_map" => %{
"map" => %{
"inner_map" => %{
"id" => 123,
"list" => [1, 2, 3]
schema = %{
nested_map: [
type: :map,
properties: %{
inner_map: [
type: :map,
properties: %{
map: [
type: :map,
properties: %{
id: [type: :integer, required: true],
list: [type: {:array, :integer}]
iex(3)> Goal.validate_params(params, schema)
{:ok, %{nested_map: %{inner_map: %{map: %{id: 123, list: [1, 2, 3]}}}}}
### Using defschema to reduce boilerplate
Goal provides a macro called `Goal.Syntax.defschema/1` to build validation schemas without all
the boilerplate code. The previous example of deeply nested maps can be rewritten as:
import Goal.Syntax
params = %{...}
schema =
defschema do
optional :nested_map, :map do
optional :inner_map, :map do
optional :map, :map do
required :id, :integer
optional :list, {:array, :integer}
iex(3)> Goal.validate_params(params, schema)
{:ok, %{nested_map: %{inner_map: %{map: %{id: 123, list: [1, 2, 3]}}}}}
### Human-readable error messages
Use `Goal.traverse_errors/2` to build readable errors. Ecto and Phoenix by default use `Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors/2`, which works for embedded Ecto schemas but not for the plain nested maps used by Goal.
def translate_errors(changeset) do
Goal.traverse_errors(changeset, &translate_error/1)
## Roadmap
- [x] Bring your own regex
- [x] ExDoc documentation
- [x] Basic syntax optimizations
- [x] Macro for generating schemas without boilerplate
- [x] Release v0.1.0 on Hex.pm
- [ ] Convert incoming params from `camelCase` to `snake_case`
## Credits
This library is based on [Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto) and I had to copy and adapt `Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors/2`. Thanks for making such an awesome library! 🙇