# GoalSeek

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Basic implementation of Microsoft Excel's GoalSeek macro, inspired by [Adam Hanna's Javascript library](

This library can be used to find the value of an independent variable `x` given a function `f` and some defined goal `y`, so that `y = f(x)`.

Given a desired output and a known function, goal seek finds the correct input to yield such an output.

Based on [Steffensen's Method]( to find the root of the error.

## Installation

Install the package by adding `goal_seek` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:goal_seek, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

The library contains only one module with a public function: `&`.

The function arguments are the following:

| Name                         | Description                                                               |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `goal`                       | the desired output of the function                                        |
| `function`                   | the function that is being evaluated, it can have any arity               |
| `parameters`                 | the initial list of parameters that will be used as input of the function |
| `independent_variable_index` | the index position of the independent variable `x` in the `f_params` list |
| `options`                    | keyword list of options, see next table                                   |

Available options:

| Name                    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                | Default |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- |
| `:tolerance_percentage` | the acceptable error range to the stated goal. For instance, setting this value to 1 will be interpreted as ± 1%                                                                           | `nil`   |
| `:tolerance_fn`         | a custom function used to check the validity of the result, it takes one argument (`current_result`) and returns a boolean. If this value is set `:tolerance_percentage` option is ignored | `nil`   |
| `:max_iterations`       | the maximum number of attempts to make                                                                                                                                                     | 1000    |
| `:max_step`             | the maximum step size to move the independent variable `x` for the next guess                                                                                                              | `nil`   |
| `:float_precision`      | the desired float precision for the independent variable                                                                                                                                   | 2       |

## Examples

iex>, &Kernel.+/2, [3, 0], 1)
{:ok, 4}

iex>, &(&1 * &1), [0], 0)
{:ok, -2}

iex>, &(&1 * &1), [3], 0)
{:ok, 2}

iex>, &:math.pow(&1, 3), [0], 0)
{:ok, -2.15}

iex>, &:math.pow(&1, 3), [0], 0, float_precision: 5)
{:ok, -2.15443}

iex>, fn x -> x + 1 end, [0], 0, max_step: 1, max_iterations: 10)
{:error, :cannot_converge}

See `test/goal_seek_test.exs` for other examples!

## Contributors

Fabio Pellegrini - Author/Maintainer