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<img src="" alt="gogs elixir interface">

Interface with a **`Gogs`** instance from **`Elixir`**.

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# _Why?_ 🤷

We needed a way of _easily_ to interact 
with our **`Gogs`** (GitHub Backup) **Server**
from our **`Elixir`** / **`Phoenix`** Applications.
This package is that interface. 

> **Note**: We were _briefly_ tempted 
> to write this code _inside_ the Phoenix App 
> that uses it, 
> however we quickly realized
> that having it _separate_ was better
> for testability/maintainability.
> Having a _separate_ module enforces a
> [separation of concerns](
> with a strong "API contract".
> This way we know this package is well-tested,
> documented and maintained. 
> And can be used and _extended independently_ 
> of any `Elixir/Phoenix` app.
> The `Elixir/Phoenix` app can treat `gogs`
> as a logically separate/independent entity
> with a clear interface.

# _What_? 📦

A library for interacting with `gogs` 
from our `Elixir`.
For the complete list of functions,
see the docs: 📚 

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# Who? 👤

This library is used by our (`Phoenix`) GitHub Backup App. <br />
If you find it helpful for your project,
please ⭐ on GitHub: 

## _How_? 💻

There are a couple of steps 
## Install ⬇️

Install the package from [](, 
by adding `gogs` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:gogs, "~> 0.5.0"}

Once you've saved your `mix.exs`, run: `mix deps.get`.

<br />

## _Setup_ 🔧

For `gogs` to work
in your `Elixir/Phoenix` App,
you will need to have 

### _Required_ Environment Variables

> See: [`.env_sample`](

There are **3 _required_** environment variables:

1. `GOGS_URL` - the domain where your Gogs Server is deployed,
   without the protocol, e.g: ``

2. `GOGS_ACCESS_TOKEN` - the REST API Access Token 


### _Optional_ 

If your **`Gogs` Server** is configured 
with a non-standard SSH port, 
then you need to define it:
`GOGS_SSH_PORT` e.g: `10022` for our 
`Gogs` Server deployed to

Without this you will not be able to interact
with the server! 

You can easily discover the port by either visiting your
Gogs Server Config page: ``



Or if you don't have admin access to view the config,
view the `ssh` clone link on a repo page,


In our case the `GOGS_SSH_PORT` e.g: `10022`.

### SSH Private Key

In order to use `Gogs.push/1`
to the remote `Gogs` Server, 
you will need to have an SSH Private Key.

## Usage

Here's basic usage example:

### 1. Create Repo

### 2. Clone Repo

### 3. Write to File

### 4. Commit Changes

### 5. Push

# Function Reference / Docs?

Complete function reference, 

# I'm _Stuck!_ 😕

As always, if anything is unclear
or you are stuck getting this working,
please open an issue!
We're here to help!