<div align="center">

<img src="" alt="gogs elixir interface">

Interface with a **`Gogs`** instance from **`Elixir`**.

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<!-- uncomment when service is working ...
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# _Why?_ 💡

We needed an _easy_ way to interact 
with our **`Gogs`** (GitHub Backup) **Server**
from our **`Elixir/Phoenix`** App.
This package is that interface. 

> **Note**: We were _briefly_ tempted 
> to write this code _inside_ the Phoenix App 
> that uses it, 
> however we quickly realized
> that having it ***separate*** was better
> for ***testability/maintainability***.
> Having a _separate_ module enforces a
> [separation of concerns](
> with a strong "API contract".
> This way we know this package is well-tested,
> documented and maintained. 
> And can be used and _extended independently_ 
> of any `Elixir/Phoenix` app.
> The `Elixir/Phoenix` app can treat `gogs`
> as a logically separate/independent entity
> with a clear interface.

# _What_? 📦

A library for interacting with `gogs` (`git`)
from our `Elixir` apps. <br />

Hopefully this diagram explains 
how we are using the package:

<div align="center">



For the complete list of functions,
please see the docs: 📚 

# Who? 👤 

This library is used by our (`Phoenix`) GitHub Backup App. <br />
If you find it helpful for your project,
please ⭐ on GitHub: 

## _How_? 💻

There are a couple of steps to get this working in your project.
It should only take **`2 mins`** if you already have your
**`Gogs` Server** _deployed_ (_or access to an existing instance_).

<br />

## Install ⬇️

Install the package from [](, 
by adding `gogs` to the list of dependencies in your `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
    {:gogs, "~> 0.8.0"}

Once you've saved the `mix.exs` file, 
mix deps.get

<br />

## _Setup_ 🔧

For `gogs` to work
in your `Elixir/Phoenix` App,
you will need to have 
a few environment variables defined.

There are 3 _required_ and 2 _optional_.
Make sure you read through the next section
to determine if you _need_ the _optional_ ones.

### _Required_ Environment Variables

> See: [`.env_sample`](

There are **3 _required_** environment variables:

1. `GOGS_URL` - the domain where your Gogs Server is deployed,
   without the protocol, e.g: ``

2. `GOGS_ACCESS_TOKEN` - the REST API Access Token 

3. `GOGS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH` - absolute path to the `id_rsa` file
  on your `localhost` or `Phoenix` server instance.

> @SIMON: this last env var currently not being picked up.
> So it will just use `~/simon/id_rsa` 
> You will need to add your `public` key 
> to the Gogs instance for this to work on your `localhost`
> see:

### _Optional_ Environment Variables


If your **`Gogs` Server** is configured 
with a **_non-standard_ SSH port**, 
then you need to define it:
**`GOGS_SSH_PORT`** <br />
e.g: `10022` for our 
`Gogs` Server deployed to

You can easily discover the port by either visiting your
Gogs Server Config page: <br />


<!-- Move these screenshots to the gogs-server repo ssh section? -->


Or if you don't have admin access to the config page,
simply view the `ssh` clone link on a repo page,


In our case the `GOGS_SSH_PORT` e.g: `10022`. <br />
If you don't set it, then `gogs` will assume TCP port **`22`**.


If you want to specify a directory where 
you want to clone `git` repos to,
create a `GIT_TEMP_DIR_PATH` environment variable.

export GIT_TEMP_DIR_PATH=tmp

> **Note**: the directory **must _already_ exist**.
> (it won't be created if it's not there ...)

<br />

## Usage

If you just want to _read_ 
the contents of a file hosted on
a `Gogs` Server,
write code similar to this:

org_name = "myorg"
repo_name = "public-repo"
file_name = ""
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: response_body}} = 
  Gogs.remote_read_raw(org_name, repo_name,file_name)
# use the response_body (plaintext data)

This is exactly the use-case presented in our demo app:

<br />

Here's a more real-world scenario 
in 7 easy steps:

### 1. Create Repo

# Define the params for the remote repository:
org_name = "myorg"
repo_name = "repo-name"
private = false # boolean
# Create the repo!
Gogs.remote_repo_create(org_name, repo_name, private)

> ⚠️ **WARNING**: there is currently no way 
> to create an Organisation on the `Gogs` Server
> via `REST API` so the `org_name` 
> _must_ already exists. 
> e.g:
> We will be figuring out a workaround shortly ...

### 2. Clone Repo

git_repo_url = GogsHelpers.remote_url_ssh(org_name, repo_name)

> Provided you have setup the environment variables,
> and your `Elixir/Phoenix` App has write access to the filesystem,
> this should work without any issues.
> We haven't seen any in practice. 
> But if you get stuck at this step,
> [open an issue](

### 3. Read Contents of _Local_ File

Once you've cloned the `Git` Repo from the `Gogs` Server
to the local filesystem of the `Elixir/Phoenix` App,
you can read any file inside it.

org_name = "myorg"
repo_name = "public-repo"
file_name = ""
{:ok, text} == Gogs.local_file_read(org_name, repo_name, file_name)

### 4. Write to File

file_name = ""
text = "Your text"
Gogs.local_file_write_text(org_name, repo_name, file_name, text)

This will create a new file if it doesn't already exist.

### 5. Commit Changes

{:ok, msg} = Gogs.commit(repo_name, 
  %{message: "your commit message", full_name: "Al Ex", email: ""})

### 6. Push to `Gogs` Remote

# Push to Gogs Server!

### 7. Confirm the File was Update on the Remote repo

# Confirm the was updated on the remote repo:
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: response_body}} = 
    Gogs.remote_read_raw(org_name, repo_name, file_name)
"Your text"

## Full Function Reference / Docs? 📖 

Rather than duplicate all the docs here, 
please read the complete function reference, 
on hexdocs:

## I'm _Stuck!_ 🤷

As always, if anything is unclear
or you are stuck getting this working,
please open an issue!
We're here to help!

<br />

## Running the Tests!

By default, the tests run with "mocks". 

<br />

<hr />

# ⚠️ Disclaimer! 

This package is provided "**as is**". 
We make ***no guarantee/warranty*** that it _works_.
We _cannot_ be held responsible
for any undesirable effects of it's usage.
e.g: if you use the [`Gogs.delete/1`](
it will _permanently/irrecoverably_ **`delete`** the repo. 
Use it with caution!

That being said,
We are using this package in "production".
We rely on it daily and consider it 
["mission critical"](
It works for _us_ an and
we have made every effort to document, test & _maintain_ it.
If you want to use it, go for it!
But please note that we cannot "support" your usage
beyond answering questions on GitHub.

If you spot anything that can be improved,
please open an 
we're very happy to discuss! 

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