# "Good Enough" Geoid

Elixir library that uses pre-generated EGM96-5 data (from [GeographicLib]('s Geoid class) to get geoid heights that are kinda ok, just good enough.

Results should be similar to those that [GeoidEval]( would give you.

Data is currently sampled at 1-degree increments, not great, but good enough.  Enhancements for alternate resolutions, datasets and interpolation would be pretty neat!

## Installation

Add good_enough_geoid to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` and make sure it's started:

    def application do
      [applications: [:good_enough_geoid]]

    def deps do
      [{:good_enough_geoid, "~> 0.0.1"}]

## Usage

    iex> GoodEnoughGeoid.EGM96_5.height(14.013881, 54.140029)