# GoodTimes

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Easy to use time functions.

## Examples

iex(1)> import GoodTimes
iex(2)> now
{{2015, 2, 26}, {15, 39, 55}}
iex(3)> 10 |> seconds_from_now
{{2015, 2, 26}, {15, 40, 05}}
iex(4)> 60 |> seconds_ago
{{2015, 2, 26}, {15, 38, 55}

## Usage

Update your `mix.exs` file and run `mix deps.get`.
defp deps do
  [{:good_times, "~> 0.5.0"}]

Import the GoodTimes functions.
defmodule MyModule do
  import GoodTimes

For more information, see [the full documentation](

## Known limitations

As GoodTimes uses [Erlangs calendar module](, dates and times before year 0 aren't supported.