
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# NOTE: This file is auto generated by the elixir code generator program.
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Api.RegionInstanceGroupManagers do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `RegionInstanceGroupManagers`.

  alias GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection
  alias GoogleApi.Gax.{Request, Response}

  @library_version Mix.Project.config() |> Keyword.get(:version, "")

  @doc """
  Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group. Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_abandon_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_abandon_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_apply_updates_to_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_apply_updates_to_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Creates instances with per-instance configs in this regional managed instance group. Instances are created using the current instance template. The create instances operation is marked DONE if the createInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or actions with the listmanagedinstances method.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the region where the managed instance group is located. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_create_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_create_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group to delete.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:delete)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" =>
            URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted. The instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. The deleteInstances operation is marked DONE if the deleteInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Deletes selected per-instance configs for the managed instance group.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete_per_instance_configs(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_delete_per_instance_configs(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group to return.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.InstanceGroupManager{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_get(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.InstanceGroupManager.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_get(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" =>
            URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.InstanceGroupManager{}])

  @doc """
  Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the group is created, instances in the group are created using the specified instance template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. A regional managed instance group can contain up to 2000 instances.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.InstanceGroupManager.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_insert(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_insert(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/instanceGroupManagers", %{
        "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
        "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Retrieves the list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified region.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:filter` (*type:* `String.t`) - A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, or `<`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
      *   `:maxResults` (*type:* `integer()`) - The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
      *   `:returnPartialSuccess` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_list(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_list(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :filter => :query,
      :maxResults => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :returnPartialSuccess => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/instanceGroupManagers", %{
        "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
        "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList{}]

  @doc """
  Lists all errors thrown by actions on instances for a given regional managed instance group. The filter and orderBy query parameters are not supported.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request. This should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It must be a string that meets the requirements in RFC1035, or an unsigned long integer: must match regexp pattern: (?:[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)|1-9{0,19}.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:filter` (*type:* `String.t`) - A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, or `<`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
      *   `:maxResults` (*type:* `integer()`) - The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
      *   `:returnPartialSuccess` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_errors(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_errors(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :filter => :query,
      :maxResults => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :returnPartialSuccess => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++
        [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Lists the instances in the managed instance group and instances that are scheduled to be created. The list includes any current actions that the group has scheduled for its instances. The orderBy query parameter is not supported.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:filter` (*type:* `String.t`) - A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, or `<`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
      *   `:maxResults` (*type:* `integer()`) - The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
      *   `:returnPartialSuccess` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_managed_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_managed_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :filter => :query,
      :maxResults => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :returnPartialSuccess => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++
        [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Lists all of the per-instance configs defined for the managed instance group. The orderBy query parameter is not supported.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:filter` (*type:* `String.t`) - A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, or `<`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
      *   `:maxResults` (*type:* `integer()`) - The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
      *   `:returnPartialSuccess` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_per_instance_configs(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_list_per_instance_configs(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :filter => :query,
      :maxResults => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :returnPartialSuccess => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++
        [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp{}]

  @doc """
  Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is patched even if the instances in the group are still in the process of being patched. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the instance group manager.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.InstanceGroupManager.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_patch(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_patch(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:patch)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" =>
            URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Inserts or patches per-instance configs for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_patch_per_instance_configs(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_patch_per_instance_configs(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated. Each instance is recreated using the group's current configuration. This operation is marked as DONE when the flag is set even if the instances have not yet been recreated. You must separately verify the status of each instance by checking its currentAction field; for more information, see Checking the status of managed instances. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_recreate_instances(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_recreate_instances(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Changes the intended size of the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group creates new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the group deletes one or more instances. The resize operation is marked DONE if the resize request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group.
  *   `size` (*type:* `integer()`) - Number of instances that should exist in this instance group manager.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_resize(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_resize(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_param(:query, :size, size)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group. Existing instances are not affected.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_set_instance_template(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_set_instance_template(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned. Existing instances in the group are not affected.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the managed instance group.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_set_target_pools(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_set_target_pools(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])

  @doc """
  Inserts or updates per-instance configs for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `project` (*type:* `String.t`) - Project ID for this request.
  *   `region` (*type:* `String.t`) - Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `instance_group_manager` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:userIp` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy name for parameter that has been superseded by `quotaUser`.
      *   `:requestId` (*type:* `String.t`) - An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec compute_region_instance_group_managers_update_per_instance_configs(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def compute_region_instance_group_managers_update_per_instance_configs(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :userIp => :query,
      :requestId => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url(
          "project" => URI.encode(project, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "region" => URI.encode(region, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
          "instanceGroupManager" => URI.encode(instance_group_manager, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Compute.V1.Model.Operation{}])