
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# NOTE: This file is auto generated by the elixir code generator program.
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Api.Projects do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `Projects`.

  alias GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection
  alias GoogleApi.Gax.{Request, Response}

  @library_version Mix.Project.config() |> Keyword.get(:version, "")

  @doc """
  Exports a copy of all or a subset of documents from Google Cloud Firestore to another storage system, such as Google Cloud Storage. Recent updates to documents may not be reflected in the export. The export occurs in the background and its progress can be monitored and managed via the Operation resource that is created. The output of an export may only be used once the associated operation is done. If an export operation is cancelled before completion it may leave partial data behind in Google Cloud Storage.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - Database to export. Should be of the form: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1ExportDocumentsRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_export_documents(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_export_documents(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}:exportDocuments", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}]

  @doc """
  Imports documents into Google Cloud Firestore. Existing documents with the same name are overwritten. The import occurs in the background and its progress can be monitored and managed via the Operation resource that is created. If an ImportDocuments operation is cancelled, it is possible that a subset of the data has already been imported to Cloud Firestore.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - Database to import into. Should be of the form: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1ImportDocumentsRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_import_documents(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_import_documents(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}:importDocuments", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}]

  @doc """
  Gets multiple documents. Documents returned by this method are not guaranteed to be returned in the same order that they were requested.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchGetDocumentsRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchGetDocumentsResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_batch_get(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchGetDocumentsResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_batch_get(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:batchGet", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchGetDocumentsResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Applies a batch of write operations. The BatchWrite method does not apply the write operations atomically and can apply them out of order. Method does not allow more than one write per document. Each write succeeds or fails independently. See the BatchWriteResponse for the success status of each write. If you require an atomically applied set of writes, use Commit instead.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchWriteRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchWriteResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_batch_write(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchWriteResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_batch_write(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:batchWrite", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BatchWriteResponse{}])

  @doc """
  Starts a new transaction.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BeginTransactionRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BeginTransactionResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_begin_transaction(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BeginTransactionResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_begin_transaction(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:beginTransaction", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.BeginTransactionResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Commits a transaction, while optionally updating documents.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.CommitRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.CommitResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_commit(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.CommitResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_commit(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:commit", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.CommitResponse{}])

  @doc """
  Creates a new document.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents` or `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/chatrooms/{chatroom_id}`
  *   `collection_id` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The collection ID, relative to `parent`, to list. For example: `chatrooms`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:documentId` (*type:* `String.t`) - The client-assigned document ID to use for this document. Optional. If not specified, an ID will be assigned by the service.
      *   `:"mask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_create_document(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_create_document(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :documentId => :query,
      :"mask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}/{collectionId}", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
        "collectionId" => URI.encode(collection_id, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}])

  @doc """
  Deletes a document.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The resource name of the Document to delete. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:"currentDocument.exists"` (*type:* `boolean()`) - When set to `true`, the target document must exist. When set to `false`, the target document must not exist.
      *   `:"currentDocument.updateTime"` (*type:* `DateTime.t`) - When set, the target document must exist and have been last updated at that time. Timestamp must be microsecond aligned.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_delete(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_delete(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :"currentDocument.exists" => :query,
      :"currentDocument.updateTime" => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:delete)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}])

  @doc """
  Gets a single document.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The resource name of the Document to get. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:"mask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:readTime` (*type:* `DateTime.t`) - Reads the version of the document at the given time. This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour, or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      *   `:transaction` (*type:* `String.t`) - Reads the document in a transaction.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_get(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_get(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :"mask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :readTime => :query,
      :transaction => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}])

  @doc """
  Lists documents.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents` or `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`. For example: `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents` or `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom`
  *   `collection_id` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. The collection ID, relative to `parent`, to list. For example: `chatrooms` or `messages`. This is optional, and when not provided, Firestore will list documents from all collections under the provided `parent`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:"mask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. The optional ordering of the documents to return. For example: `priority desc, __name__ desc`. This mirrors the `ORDER BY` used in Firestore queries but in a string representation. When absent, documents are ordered based on `__name__ ASC`.
      *   `:pageSize` (*type:* `integer()`) - Optional. The maximum number of documents to return in a single response. Firestore may return fewer than this value.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. A page token, received from a previous `ListDocuments` response. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters (with the exception of `page_size`) must match the values set in the request that generated the page token.
      *   `:readTime` (*type:* `DateTime.t`) - Perform the read at the provided time. This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour, or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      *   `:showMissing` (*type:* `boolean()`) - If the list should show missing documents. A document is missing if it does not exist, but there are sub-documents nested underneath it. When true, such missing documents will be returned with a key but will not have fields, `create_time`, or `update_time` set. Requests with `show_missing` may not specify `where` or `order_by`.
      *   `:transaction` (*type:* `String.t`) - Perform the read as part of an already active transaction.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_list(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_list(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :"mask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageSize => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :readTime => :query,
      :showMissing => :query,
      :transaction => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}/{collectionId}", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
        "collectionId" => URI.encode(collection_id, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Lists all the collection IDs underneath a document.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent document. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`. For example: `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListCollectionIdsRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListCollectionIdsResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_list_collection_ids(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListCollectionIdsResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_list_collection_ids(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}:listCollectionIds", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListCollectionIdsResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Lists documents.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents` or `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`. For example: `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents` or `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom`
  *   `collection_id` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. The collection ID, relative to `parent`, to list. For example: `chatrooms` or `messages`. This is optional, and when not provided, Firestore will list documents from all collections under the provided `parent`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:"mask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:orderBy` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. The optional ordering of the documents to return. For example: `priority desc, __name__ desc`. This mirrors the `ORDER BY` used in Firestore queries but in a string representation. When absent, documents are ordered based on `__name__ ASC`.
      *   `:pageSize` (*type:* `integer()`) - Optional. The maximum number of documents to return in a single response. Firestore may return fewer than this value.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - Optional. A page token, received from a previous `ListDocuments` response. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters (with the exception of `page_size`) must match the values set in the request that generated the page token.
      *   `:readTime` (*type:* `DateTime.t`) - Perform the read at the provided time. This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour, or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      *   `:showMissing` (*type:* `boolean()`) - If the list should show missing documents. A document is missing if it does not exist, but there are sub-documents nested underneath it. When true, such missing documents will be returned with a key but will not have fields, `create_time`, or `update_time` set. Requests with `show_missing` may not specify `where` or `order_by`.
      *   `:transaction` (*type:* `String.t`) - Perform the read as part of an already active transaction.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_list_documents(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_list_documents(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :"mask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :orderBy => :query,
      :pageSize => :query,
      :pageToken => :query,
      :readTime => :query,
      :showMissing => :query,
      :transaction => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}/{collectionId}", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1),
        "collectionId" => URI.encode(collection_id, &(URI.char_unreserved?(&1) || &1 == ?/))
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListDocumentsResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Listens to changes. This method is only available via gRPC or WebChannel (not REST).

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_listen(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_listen(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:listen", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenResponse{}])

  @doc """
  Partitions a query by returning partition cursors that can be used to run the query in parallel. The returned partition cursors are split points that can be used by RunQuery as starting/end points for the query results.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents`. Document resource names are not supported; only database resource names can be specified.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.PartitionQueryRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.PartitionQueryResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_partition_query(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.PartitionQueryResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_partition_query(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}:partitionQuery", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.PartitionQueryResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Updates or inserts a document.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - The resource name of the document, for example `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:"currentDocument.exists"` (*type:* `boolean()`) - When set to `true`, the target document must exist. When set to `false`, the target document must not exist.
      *   `:"currentDocument.updateTime"` (*type:* `DateTime.t`) - When set, the target document must exist and have been last updated at that time. Timestamp must be microsecond aligned.
      *   `:"mask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:"updateMask.fieldPaths"` (*type:* `list(String.t)`) - The list of field paths in the mask. See Document.fields for a field path syntax reference.
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_patch(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_patch(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :"currentDocument.exists" => :query,
      :"currentDocument.updateTime" => :query,
      :"mask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :"updateMask.fieldPaths" => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:patch)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Document{}])

  @doc """
  Rolls back a transaction.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RollbackRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_rollback(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_rollback(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:rollback", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}])

  @doc """
  Runs an aggregation query. Rather than producing Document results like Firestore.RunQuery, this API allows running an aggregation to produce a series of AggregationResult server-side. High-Level Example: ``` -- Return the number of documents in table given a filter. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT * FROM k where a = true ); ```

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents` or `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`. For example: `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents` or `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunAggregationQueryRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunAggregationQueryResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_run_aggregation_query(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunAggregationQueryResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_run_aggregation_query(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}:runAggregationQuery", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunAggregationQueryResponse{}]

  @doc """
  Runs a query.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The parent resource name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents` or `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`. For example: `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents` or `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunQueryRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunQueryResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_run_query(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunQueryResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_run_query(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}:runQuery", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.RunQueryResponse{}])

  @doc """
  Streams batches of document updates and deletes, in order. This method is only available via gRPC or WebChannel (not REST).

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `database` (*type:* `String.t`) - Required. The database name. In the format: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`. This is only required in the first message.
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.WriteRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.WriteResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_documents_write(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.WriteResponse.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_documents_write(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+database}/documents:write", %{
        "database" => URI.encode(database, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.WriteResponse{}])

  @doc """
  Creates the specified index. A newly created index's initial state is `CREATING`. On completion of the returned google.longrunning.Operation, the state will be `READY`. If the index already exists, the call will return an `ALREADY_EXISTS` status. During creation, the process could result in an error, in which case the index will move to the `ERROR` state. The process can be recovered by fixing the data that caused the error, removing the index with delete, then re-creating the index with create. Indexes with a single field cannot be created.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the database this index will apply to. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1Index.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_indexes_create(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_indexes_create(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}/indexes", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleLongrunningOperation{}]

  @doc """
  Deletes an index.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - The index name. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/indexes/{index_id}`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_indexes_delete(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_indexes_delete(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:delete)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.Empty{}])

  @doc """
  Gets an index.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `name` (*type:* `String.t`) - The name of the index. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/indexes/{index_id}`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1Index{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_indexes_get(
        ) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1Index.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_indexes_get(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+name}", %{
        "name" => URI.encode(name, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1Index{}]

  @doc """
  Lists the indexes that match the specified filters.

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `parent` (*type:* `String.t`) - The database name. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}`
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:filter` (*type:* `String.t`) - 
      *   `:pageSize` (*type:* `integer()`) - The standard List page size.
      *   `:pageToken` (*type:* `String.t`) - The standard List page token.
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.GoogleFirestoreAdminV1beta1ListIndexesResponse{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec firestore_projects_databases_indexes_list(
        ) ::
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def firestore_projects_databases_indexes_list(
        optional_params \\ [],
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :filter => :query,
      :pageSize => :query,
      :pageToken => :query

    request =
      |> Request.method(:get)
      |> Request.url("/v1beta1/{+parent}/indexes", %{
        "parent" => URI.encode(parent, &URI.char_unreserved?/1)
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(
      opts ++