
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# NOTE: This file is auto generated by the elixir code generator program.
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Api.Pipelines do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `Pipelines`.

  alias GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Connection
  alias GoogleApi.Gax.{Request, Response}

  @library_version Mix.Project.config() |> Keyword.get(:version, "")

  @doc """
  Runs a pipeline. The returned Operation's metadata field will contain a google.genomics.v2alpha1.Metadata object describing the status of the pipeline execution. The [response] field will contain a google.genomics.v2alpha1.RunPipelineResponse object if the pipeline completes successfully. **Note:** Before you can use this method, the Genomics Service Agent must have access to your project. This is done automatically when the Cloud Genomics API is first enabled, but if you delete this permission, or if you enabled the Cloud Genomics API before the v2alpha1 API launch, you must disable and re-enable the API to grant the Genomics Service Agent the required permissions. Authorization requires the following [Google IAM]( permission: * `genomics.operations.create` [1]: /genomics/gsa

  ## Parameters

  *   `connection` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Connection.t`) - Connection to server
  *   `optional_params` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Optional parameters
      *   `:"$.xgafv"` (*type:* `String.t`) - V1 error format.
      *   `:access_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth access token.
      *   `:alt` (*type:* `String.t`) - Data format for response.
      *   `:callback` (*type:* `String.t`) - JSONP
      *   `:fields` (*type:* `String.t`) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
      *   `:key` (*type:* `String.t`) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
      *   `:oauth_token` (*type:* `String.t`) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
      *   `:prettyPrint` (*type:* `boolean()`) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
      *   `:quotaUser` (*type:* `String.t`) - Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
      *   `:uploadType` (*type:* `String.t`) - Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
      *   `:upload_protocol` (*type:* `String.t`) - Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
      *   `:body` (*type:* `GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.RunPipelineRequest.t`) - 
  *   `opts` (*type:* `keyword()`) - Call options

  ## Returns

  *   `{:ok, %GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Operation{}}` on success
  *   `{:error, info}` on failure
  @spec genomics_pipelines_run(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Operation.t()}
          | {:ok, Tesla.Env.t()}
          | {:ok, list()}
          | {:error, any()}
  def genomics_pipelines_run(connection, optional_params \\ [], opts \\ []) do
    optional_params_config = %{
      :"$.xgafv" => :query,
      :access_token => :query,
      :alt => :query,
      :callback => :query,
      :fields => :query,
      :key => :query,
      :oauth_token => :query,
      :prettyPrint => :query,
      :quotaUser => :query,
      :uploadType => :query,
      :upload_protocol => :query,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> Request.method(:post)
      |> Request.url("/v2alpha1/pipelines:run", %{})
      |> Request.add_optional_params(optional_params_config, optional_params)
      |> Request.library_version(@library_version)

    |> Connection.execute(request)
    |> Response.decode(opts ++ [struct: %GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Operation{}])