# Google Certificates

A Lightweight GenServer that stores and caches Google's Public Certificates.
The Google Certificates library makes it easy to verify and validate a [JWT](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519) issued by Google.
See the [how to use with the joken library](./readme.html#how-to-use-with-the-joken-library) section below for an example on how to accomplish this using this library combined with the [Joken](https://hexdocs.pm/joken/introduction.html) library.
For more details, see Google's [backend-auth](https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth) documentation, specifically the [verify the integrity of the id token](https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth#verify-the-integrity-of-the-id-token) section.
The default behavior is to use the `JWK` format ([/oauth2/v3/certs](https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs)) for certificates, but the `PEM` ([/oauth2/v1/certs](https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs)) format can be used if specified.
## Installation
This package can be installed
by adding `google_certs` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:google_certs, "~> 0.1"}
## Usage
Invoke `GoogleCerts.get/0` or `GoogleCerts.fetch/1` where needed.
### More Info
`GoogleCerts.CertificateCache` is an [Agent](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Agent.html) that will automatically be
started and hydrated so that calls to `GoogleCerts.get/0` or `GoogleCerts.fetch/1` will return the cached results.
Every time `GoogleCerts.get/0` or `GoogleCerts.fetch/1` is invoked, the expiration of the cached certificates is checked. If
the certificates are expired then a new network request is automatically issued to Google's API to refresh the cache.
### Optional
If you wish to start `GoogleCerts.CertificateCache` manually you can set `GOOGLE_CERTS_ENABLE_AUTO_START=false`
or `auto_start?: false` and add it to your supervision tree.
use Application
alias GoogleCerts.CertificateCache
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Directory.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
There are three publicity available functions that are helpful.
1. `GoogleCerts.get/0`- Get cached certificates
1. `GoogleCerts.fetch/1` - Get a certificate by it's kid (useful with `Joken.peek_header/1` to and `Joken.Signer.create/3` to create a signer)
1. `GoogleCerts.refresh/1` - Refresh a `GoogleCerts.Certificates` struct if the certificates are expired. Intended for internal use.
iex> GoogleCerts.get() # get all certificates
iex> GoogleCerts.fetch("257f6a5828d1e4a3a6a03fcd1a2461db9593e624") # get a certificate by its kid
iex> GoogleCerts.refresh(%GoogleCerts.Certificates{}) # refresh a set of certificates if they are expired
## How to use with the [Joken](https://hexdocs.pm/joken/introduction.html) library
1. Create a custom verify hook
1. Register your custom verify hook with your JWTManager (custom module that `use Joken.Config` )
1. Use your JWTManager to verify and validate a JWT issued from Google.
1. See [ueberauth](https://hex.pm/packages/ueberauth) and [ueberauth_google](https://hex.pm/packages/ueberauth_google) packages for retrieving a JWT from Google as part of your authentication.
Create a custom verify hook
defmodule Crypto.VerifyHook do
@moduledoc false
use Joken.Hooks
@impl true
def before_verify(_options, {jwt, %Joken.Signer{} = _signer}) do
with {:ok, %{"kid" => kid}} <- Joken.peek_header(jwt),
{:ok, algorithm, key} <- GoogleCerts.fetch(kid) do
{:cont, {jwt, Joken.Signer.create(algorithm, key)}}
error -> {:halt, {:error, :no_signer}}
Register your custom verify hook with your JWTManager
defmodule Crypto.JWTManager do
@moduledoc false
use Joken.Config, default_signer: nil
@iss "https://accounts.google.com"
# your google client id (usually ends in *.apps.googleusercontent.com)
defp aud, do: Application.get_env(:my_app, :google_client_id)
# reference your custom verify hook here
@impl Joken.Config
def token_config do
default_claims(skip: [:aud, :iss])
|> add_claim("iss", nil, &(&1 == @iss))
|> add_claim("aud", nil, &(&1 == aud()))
Use your JWTManager to verify and validate a JWT issued from Google
iex> jwt = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1..."
iex> {:ok, claims} = JWTManager.verify_and_validate(jwt)
## Configuration (Optional)
See `GoogleCerts.Env` for all possible configurations. Most settings can be set using either
system environment variables or elixir configurations.
# config/config.exs
config :google_certs, version: 1 # Use PEM format instead of JWK format. defaults to 3 for JWK
# bash
GOOGLE_CERTS_API_VERSION=1 iex -S mix phx.server # Use PEM format instead of JWK format. defaults to 3 for JWK