# Google.Pubsub
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Elixir Library for interacting with Google Pubsub over GRPC, inspired by [Weddell](https://github.com/cjab/weddell)
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `google_grpc_pubsub` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:google_grpc_pubsub, "~> 0.4"}
## Configuration
`google_grpc_pubsub` uses `Goth` to authenticate with Google's APIs.
You must configure [Goth in your supervision tree](https://hexdocs.pm/goth/readme.html#installation), and then configure this library
config :google_grpc_pubsub,
goth: MyApp.Goth
If you want to use this library against the Pubsub emulator
config :google_grpc_pubsub,
emulator: {"localhost", 8085}
By default there can be 10 concurrent calls to the rpc channel, if you would like to increase this
config :google_grpc_pubsub,
pool_size: 50
## Getting Started
### Creating a topic
{:ok, topic} = Google.Pubsub.Topic.create(project: "my-project", topic: "my-topic")
### Create a subscription
{:ok, subscription} = Google.Pubsub.Subscription.create(project: "my-project", subscription: "my-subscription", topic: "my-topic")
### Publishing a message
{:ok, topic} = Google.Pubsub.Topic.get(project: "my-project", topic: "my-topic")
# Publish some string data
Google.Pubsub.Topic.publish(topic, Google.Pubsub.Message.new("my string data"))
# Or you can publish a map, which will be encoded to JSON
Google.Pubsub.Topic.publish(topic, Google.Pubsub.Message.new(%{some: "json data"}))
# You can also publish multiple messages at once
Google.Pubsub.Topic.publish(topic, [
Google.Pubsub.Message.new(%{some: "json data"}),
Google.Pubsub.Message.new(%{another: "message"})
### Pulling Messages
{:ok, subscription} = Google.Pubsub.Subscription.get(project: "project", subscription: "subscription")
{:ok, messages} = Google.Pubsub.Subscription.pull(subscription, max_messages: 5)
### Acknowledging Messages
{:ok, subscription} = Google.Pubsub.Subscription.get(project: "project", subscription: "subscription")
{:ok, messages} = Google.Pubsub.Subscription.pull(subscription, max_messages: 5)
Google.Pubsub.Subscription.acknowledge(subscription, messages)