# google_pubsub_grpc

API wrapper around [Google Pub Sub gRPC protocol]( Code in `lib/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.pb.ex` is generated using the `protoc` utility. Check [protobuf-elixir package]( for more details, if interested.

The only thing this package adds to the auto-generated client code is a few helper methods.

## Installation

Add the following to your `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:goth, "~> 1.2.0"},
    {:cowlib, "~> 2.9.0", override: true},
    {:google_protos, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:google_pubsub_grpc, "~> 0.2.0-beta.1"}

## Configuration

Set the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` to point to a gcloud credentials file.

The [goth package]( shows more ways to configure access, e.g.:
config :goth, json:!(System.get_env("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"))

After configuration, Google project id is available by calling helper functions `Google.Pubsub.GRPC.project_id()` or `Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_project_id()` (with `"projects/"` prepended to it.

## Emulator Support

Method `` checks environment variable `PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST` and if present (e.g. `localhost:8787`) uses its value as the server endpoint.

{:ok, channel} =

To define Google project id for the emulator use goth configuration like so:
config :goth, json: nil, project_id: "emulator-project-id"

## API Usage

Note that project id, topic and subscription names are passed to the grpc client in their "full" form, e.g. `"projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"`. There are a couple of helper functions in the `Google.Api.PubSub.GRPC` module to convert between the full form and its shorter variant, e.g. `"my-topic"`.

To get a channel (connection to server):
{:ok, channel} =
Additional options are `interceptors` and `accepted_compressors`:
{:ok, channel} = [GRPC.Logger.Client])
{:ok, channel} = [{GRPC.Logger.Client, level: :info}]
{:ok, channel} = [GRPC.Compressor.Gzip])

To get the list of topics:
request = Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_project_id())

{:ok, response} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Publisher.Stub.list_topics(request)

To get topic's details:
request =
    topic: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_topic_name("my-topic")

{:ok, response} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Publisher.Stub.get_topic(request)

To create a new topic:
{:ok, topic} =
  |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Publisher.Stub.create_topic(%Google.Pubsub.V1.Topic{
    name: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_topic_name("my-topic")

To delete a topic:
{:ok, _} =
  |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Publisher.Stub.delete_topic(%Google.Pubsub.V1.Topic{
    name: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_topic_name("my-topic")


To create a new subscription on a topic:
{:ok, subscription} =
  |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Subscriber.Stub.create_subscription(%Google.Pubsub.V1.Subscription{
    topic: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_topic_name("my-topic"),
    name: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_subscription_name("my-subscription")


To delete a subscription:
request = %Google.Pubsub.V1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest{
  subscription: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_subscription_name("my-subscription")
{:ok, _} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Subscriber.Stub.delete_subscription(request)


To publish a message on a topic:
message = %Google.Pubsub.V1.PubsubMessage{data: "string"}

request = %Google.Pubsub.V1.PublishRequest{
  topic: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_topic_name("my-topic"),
  messages: [message]

{:ok, response} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Publisher.Stub.publish(request)

To pull messages from a subscription:
request = %Google.Pubsub.V1.PullRequest{
  subscription: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_subscription_name("my-subscription"),
  max_messages: 10
{:ok, response} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Subscriber.Stub.pull(request)


To acknowledge received messages:
request = %Google.Pubsub.V1.AcknowledgeRequest{
  subscription: Google.Pubsub.GRPC.full_subscription_name("my-subscription"),
  ack_ids:, fn m -> m.ack_id end)
{:ok, response} = channel |> Google.Pubsub.V1.Subscriber.Stub.acknowledge(request)