Native Elixir bindings for GnuPG.

**This is in early stages of development and should be thought of as Alpha software.**

## Getting Started

> This has only been tested on Linux - It likely won't work for
> Mac OSX or Windows yet.

You'll need:
  * a working version of [gpg]( installed
  * [gpgme c library](
  * configuration added to `config.exs` 

### Debian based (ubuntu, pop-os, etc)

**Installing gpg and gpgme**

$ sudo apt install gpg libgpgme-dev


Add this to `config.exs` in your app

config :gpgmex,
  include_dir: ["/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu", "/usr/include"],
  libs_dir: ["/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"]

### Arch based (Arch, Manjaro, etc)

**Installing gpg and gpgme**

$ sudo pacman -Syu gpg gpgme


Add this to `config.exs` in your app

config :gpgmex,
  include_dir: ["/usr/include"],
  libs_dir: ["/usr/lib/"]

### Finally

Add gpgmex to your dependencies
  defp deps do
      {:gpgmex, github: "silbermm/gpgmex"}

## Usage