# GptAgent

GptAgent is an Elixir-based service that provides a conversational agent interface
using the OpenAI GPT models. It allows for the integration of GPT-powered
conversations within various platforms and services.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `gpt_agent` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:gpt_agent, "~> 2.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Usage

First, ensure the supervisor is running in your applications supervision tree.
For example:

children = [
  {GptAgent.Supervisor, []}

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Before you can start an agent, you need to have both a thread_id and an
assistant_id from the OpenAI assistants API.

To create an example assistant, you can run `"/v1/assistants",
json: GptAgent.Assistants.MemGpt.schema())` and note the id returned in the
request body.

```elixir"/v1/assistants", json: GptAgent.Assistants.MemGpt.schema())
#=> {:ok, %Req.Response{ body: %{ "id" => "asst_1Ut1Wxnw0MQAF5G3qWcoMRIQ", ...}, ...}

You can create a new thread with `{:ok, thread_id} = GptAgent.create_thread()`

Then you can start the agent with `{:ok, pid} = GptAgent.connect(thread_id,

This will start the agent process if one is not already running for the thread.
We use a process registry to ensure that there is only one agent process running
for a given thread_id. It will also use `Phoenix.PubSub` to subscribe the
current process to messages published by the thread's process. Expect to receive
the following messages:

  - `%GptAgent.Events.UserMessageAdded{}`: Triggered when a user message is
    added to the thread.
  - `%GptAgent.Events.RunStarted{}`: Indicates that a run has been started for
    the thread.
  - `%GptAgent.Events.ToolCallRequested{}`: Occurs when a tool call is
  - `%GptAgent.Events.ToolCallOutputRecorded{}`: Recorded when the output of a
    tool call is captured.
  - `%GptAgent.Events.RunCompleted{}`: Signifies that a run has been completed.
  - `%GptAgent.Events.AssistantMessageAdded{}`: Triggered when an assistant
    message is added to the thread.

To add a user message to the thread and run it with the default assistant: `:ok
= GptAgent.add_user_message(pid, "Hello, world!")`

You must at the very least monitor for the `ToolCallRequested` events (if your
assistant uses tool calls), so that you can submit the results back to the run.
To submit the results, use `GptAgent.submit_tool_output(pid, tool_call_id,