%% @doc
%% Gradualizer is a <em>static type checker</em> for Erlang
%% with support for <em>gradual typing</em>.
%% A static type checker detects errors thanks to type analysis of a given program.
%% Gradualizer can infer some types, but mostly relies on function specs.
%% In a nutshell, we could say that it checks for consistency of a function body with its
%% declared spec and for consistency of a callee's spec with passed in arguments.
%% Specifically, Gradualizer does not perform entire program flow analysis.
%% Gradual typing means that full type information is not required to raise warnings - any type
%% information is better than no type information. It allows for a _gradual_ transition between
%% fully static typing, which offers the best correctness guarantee, and fully dynamic typing,
%% which means the least overhead of writing specs, the full Erlang expressiveness,
%% and _letting it crash_ at runtime.
%% We can choose the right balance between the static/dynamic extremes depending on the application,
%% project maturity, team size, the need for reusability or for documentation consistency.
%% <strong>
%% If you are interested in using Gradualizer to type check your code,
%% then you might be looking for the Rebar3 plugin {@link rebar_prv_gradualizer}
%% or the command-line interface {@link gradualizer_cli}.
%% </strong>
%% This module contains entry points for calling into Gradualizer as a library,
%% as well as some Erlang shell utilities for working directly with the type checker internals.
%% Let's try out the shell utilities by running:
%% ```
%% $ rebar3 shell
%% '''
%% Now, we can play with some examples:
%% ```
%% > gradualizer:type_of("[ a || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5) ]").
%% {type,0,list,[{atom,0,a}]}
%% > typelib:pp_type(v(-1)).
%% "[a]"
%% > typechecker:normalize(gradualizer:type("a()"), gradualizer:env("-type a() :: integer().", [])).
%% {type,0,integer,[]}
%% > typelib:pp_type(v(-1)).
%% "integer()"
%% > gradualizer:type_of("fun (A) -> #{tag => my_map, list_of_as => [ A || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5) ]} end").
%% {type,0,'fun',
%% [{type,0,product,[{type,0,any,[]}]},
%% {type,0,map,
%% [{type,0,map_field_assoc,[{atom,0,tag},{atom,0,my_map}]},
%% {type,0,map_field_assoc,
%% [{atom,0,list_of_as},{type,0,list,[{type,0,any,[]}]}]}]}]}
%% > typelib:pp_type(v(-1)).
%% "fun((any()) -> #{tag => my_map, list_of_as => [any()]})"
%% '''
%% The main library API of Gradualizer are `type_check_(file|module|dir)' functions,
%% which accept options described by the {@link options()} type.
%% @end
-export([type_check_file/1, type_check_file/2,
type_check_module/1, type_check_module/2,
type_check_dir/1, type_check_dir/2,
type_check_files/1, type_check_files/2,
env/0, env/1, env/2,
type_of/1, type_of/2]).
-export_type([options/0, top/0]).
-type options() :: proplists:proplist().
%% The options accepted by the Gradualizer API.
%% <ul>
%% <li>
%% `{i, Dir}':
%% include path for `-include' and `-include_lib' when checking
%% Erlang source files. Specify multiple times for multiple include paths.
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `stop_on_first_error':
%% if `true' stop type checking on the first error,
%% if `false' continue checking all functions in the given file and all files
%% in the given directory.
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `crash_on_error':
%% if `true' crash on the first produced error.
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `return_errors':
%% return a list of errors instead of printing them and returning a single condensed `ok | nok'.
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `fmt_location':
%% how to format location when pretty printing errors:
%% <ul>
%% <li>
%% `none':
%% no location for easier comparison
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `brief':
%% for machine processing (`<line>:<column>:' before message text)
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `verbose' (default): for human readers
%% (`on line <line> at column <column>' within the message text)
%% </li>
%% </ul>
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `fmt_expr_fun':
%% function to pretty print an expression AST (useful to support other languages)
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `fmt_type_fun':
%% function to pretty print a type AST (useful to support other languages)
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `{color, always | never | auto}':
%% Use colors when printing fancy messages.
%% Auto is the default but auto-detection of tty doesn't work when running
%% as an escript. It works when running from the Erlang shell though.
%% </li>
%% <li>
%% `{fancy, boolean()}':
%% Use fancy error messages when possible. True by
%% default. Doesn't work when a custom `fmt_expr_fun' is used.
%% </li>
%% </ul>
%% This type is the top of the subtyping lattice. It's never expanded.
%% The definition can be anything apart from any(),
%% so that we don't run into the "opaque type underspecified and therefore meaningless" warning.
-opaque top() :: none().
%% API functions
%% @doc Type check a source or beam file
-spec type_check_file(file:filename()) -> ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_file(File) ->
type_check_file(File, []).
%% @doc Type check a source or beam file
-spec type_check_file(file:filename(), options()) -> ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_file(File, Opts) ->
ExcludeModules = proplists:get_value(exclude_modules, Opts, []),
AtomBaseFile = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(File))),
case lists:member(AtomBaseFile, ExcludeModules) of
true ->
false ->
case filename:extension(File) of
".erl" ->
Includes = proplists:get_all_values(i, Opts),
case gradualizer_file_utils:get_forms_from_erl(File, Includes) of
{ok, Forms} ->
lint_and_check_forms(Forms, File, Opts);
Error ->
".beam" ->
case gradualizer_file_utils:get_forms_from_beam(File) of
{ok, Forms} ->
type_check_forms(File, Forms, Opts);
Error ->
Ext ->
throw({unknown_file_extension, Ext})
%% @doc Runs an erl_lint pass, to check if the forms can be compiled at all,
%% before running the type checker.
-spec lint_and_check_forms(Forms, file:filename(), options()) -> R when
Forms :: gradualizer_file_utils:abstract_forms(),
R :: ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
lint_and_check_forms(Forms, File, Opts) ->
case erl_lint:module(Forms, File, [return_errors]) of
{ok, _Warnings} ->
type_check_forms(File, Forms, Opts);
{error, Errors, _Warnings} ->
%% If there are lint errors (i.e. compile errors like undefined
%% variables) we don't even try to type check.
case proplists:get_bool(return_errors, Opts) of
true ->
[{Filename, ErrorInfo} || {Filename, ErrorInfos} <- Errors,
ErrorInfo <- ErrorInfos];
false ->
[{filename, Filename} | Opts])
|| {Filename, ErrorInfos} <- Errors],
%% @doc Type check a module
-spec type_check_module(module()) -> ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_module(Module) ->
type_check_module(Module, []).
%% @doc Type check a module
-spec type_check_module(module(), options()) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_module(Module, Opts) when is_atom(Module) ->
case code:which(Module) of
File when is_list(File) ->
type_check_file(File, Opts);
Error when is_atom(Error) ->
throw({beam_not_found, Error})
%% @doc Type check all source or beam files in a directory.
-spec type_check_dir(file:filename()) -> ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_dir(Dir) ->
type_check_dir(Dir, []).
%% @doc Type check all source or beam files in a directory.
-spec type_check_dir(file:filename(), options()) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_dir(Dir, Opts) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
true ->
Pattern = filename:join(Dir, "*.{erl,beam}"),
type_check_files(filelib:wildcard(Pattern), Opts);
false ->
throw({dir_not_found, Dir})
%% @doc Type check a source or beam file
-spec type_check_files([file:filename()]) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_files(Files) ->
type_check_files(Files, []).
%% @doc Type check a source or beam
-spec type_check_files([file:filename()], options()) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_files(Files, Opts) ->
StopOnFirstError = proplists:get_bool(stop_on_first_error, Opts),
ReturnErrors = proplists:get_bool(return_errors, Opts),
if ReturnErrors ->
fun(File, Errors) when Errors =:= [];
not StopOnFirstError ->
type_check_file_or_dir(File, Opts) ++ Errors;
(_, Errors) ->
end, [], Files);
true ->
fun(File, Res) when Res =:= ok;
not StopOnFirstError ->
case type_check_file_or_dir(File, Opts) of
ok -> Res;
nok -> nok
(_, nok) ->
end, ok, Files)
-spec type_check_file_or_dir(file:filename(), options()) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_file_or_dir(File, Opts) ->
IsRegular = filelib:is_regular(File),
IsDir = filelib:is_dir(File),
IsDir -> type_check_dir(File, Opts);
IsRegular -> type_check_file(File, Opts);
true -> throw({file_not_found, File}) % TODO: better errors
%% @doc Type check an abstract syntax tree of a module. This can be useful
%% for tools where the abstract forms are generated in memory.
%% If the first form is a file attribute (as in forms returned by e.g.
%% epp:parse_file/1,2), that filename will be used in error messages.
%% The second form is typically the module attribute.
-spec type_check_forms([erl_parse:abstract_form()], options()) ->
ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_forms(Forms, Opts) ->
File = case Forms of
[{attribute, _, file, {F, _}} | _] -> F;
_ -> "no filename"
type_check_forms(File, Forms, Opts).
%% Helper
-spec type_check_forms(file:filename(), Forms, options()) -> R when
Forms :: gradualizer_file_utils:abstract_forms(),
R :: ok | nok | [{file:filename(), any()}].
type_check_forms(File, Forms, Opts) ->
ReturnErrors = proplists:get_bool(return_errors, Opts),
OptsForModule = options_from_forms(Forms) ++ Opts,
Errors = typechecker:type_check_forms(Forms, OptsForModule),
case {ReturnErrors, Errors} of
{true, _ } ->
lists:map(fun(Error) -> {File, Error} end, Errors);
{false, []} ->
{false, [_|_]} ->
Opts1 = add_source_file_and_forms_to_opts(File, Forms, Opts),
gradualizer_fmt:print_errors(Errors, Opts1),
add_source_file_and_forms_to_opts(File, Forms, Opts) ->
Opts1 = [{filename, File}, {forms, Forms} | Opts],
case filename:extension(File) == ".erl" andalso filelib:is_file(File) of
true -> [{source_file, File} | Opts1];
false -> Opts1
%% Extract `-gradualizer(Options)' from AST
-spec options_from_forms(gradualizer_file_utils:abstract_forms()) -> options().
options_from_forms([{attribute, _L, gradualizer, Opts} | Fs]) when is_list(Opts) ->
Opts ++ options_from_forms(Fs);
options_from_forms([{attribute, _L, gradualizer, Opt} | Fs]) ->
[Opt | options_from_forms(Fs)];
options_from_forms([_F | Fs]) -> options_from_forms(Fs);
options_from_forms([]) -> [].
%% @doc Return a Gradualizer type for the passed in Erlang type definition.
%% ```
%% > gradualizer:type("[integer()]").
%% {type,0,list,[{type,0,integer,[]}]}
%% '''
-spec type(string()) -> typechecker:type().
type(Type) ->
%% @see env/2
-spec env() -> typechecker:env().
env() ->
%% @see env/2
-spec env(gradualizer:options()) -> typechecker:env().
env(Opts) ->
env("", Opts).
%% @doc Create a type checker environment populated by types defined in a source code snippet
%% via `-type ...' and `-record(...)' attributes.
%% Currently, it's not possible to define variable bindings in the environment.
%% ```
%% > rr(typechecker).
%% > gradualizer:env("-type a() :: integer().", []).
%% #env{fenv = #{},imported = #{},venv = #{},
%% tenv = #{module => undefined,records => #{},
%% types => #{{a,0} => {[],{type,0,integer,[]}}}},
%% infer = false,verbose = false,exhaust = true,
%% clauses_stack = [],union_size_limit = 30,
%% current_spec = none}
%% > gradualizer:env("-record(r, {f}).", []).
%% #env{
%% fenv = #{},imported = #{},venv = #{},
%% tenv =
%% #{module => undefined,
%% records =>
%% #{r =>
%% [{typed_record_field,
%% {record_field,0,{atom,0,f},{atom,1,undefined}},
%% {type,0,any,[]}}]},
%% types => #{}},
%% infer = false,verbose = false,exhaust = true,
%% clauses_stack = [],union_size_limit = 30,
%% current_spec = none}
%% '''
-spec env(string(), gradualizer:options()) -> typechecker:env().
env(ErlSource, Opts) ->
Forms = gradualizer_lib:ensure_form_list(merl:quote(lists:flatten(ErlSource))),
ErlParseForms = lists:map(fun erl_syntax:revert/1, Forms),
ParseData = typechecker:collect_specs_types_opaques_and_functions(ErlParseForms),
typechecker:create_env(ParseData, Opts).
%% @see type_of/2
-spec type_of(string()) -> typechecker:type().
type_of(Expr) ->
type_of(Expr, env([infer])).
%% @doc Infer type of an Erlang expression.
%% ```
%% > gradualizer:type_of("[ a || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5) ]").
%% {type,0,list,[{atom,0,a}]}
%% > gradualizer:type_of("case 5 of 1 -> one; _ -> more end").
%% {type,0,union,[{atom,0,more},{atom,0,one}]}
%% > Env = gradualizer:env([{union_size_limit, 1}]).
%% > gradualizer:type_of("case 5 of 1 -> one; _ -> more end", Env).
%% {type,0,any,[]}
%% '''
-spec type_of(string(), typechecker:env()) -> typechecker:type().
type_of(Expr, Env) ->
AlwaysInfer = Env#env{infer = true},
{Ty, _Env, _Cs} = typechecker:type_check_expr(AlwaysInfer, merl:quote(Expr)),