# Graffinite
Get exchange rates from National Bank of Poland.
## Installation
First, add graffinite to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[{:graffinite, "~> 0.3"}]
Then, update your dependencies:
mix deps.get
## Usage
date = %Date{day: 2, month: 6, year: 2016}
Graffinite.get_rate(date, "GBP")
# #Decimal<5.6614>
If a rate is not available for a given day (because it's Sunday or a public holiday) it returns the previous available rate.
date = %Date{day: 12, month: 6, year: 2016}
Graffinite.get_rate(date, "GBP")
# #Decimal<5.5662> (rate from 2016-06-10 because 2016-06-12 is Sunday)