# GraphQL.Relay

This library contains helper functions that make it easier to setup a Relay compatible GraphQL schema.

You do not need this library to create a Relay compatible GraphQL schema, it just makes it easier. To illustrate this point here's what a Relay compatible schema looks like <a href="">when you don't use this library</a> and <a href="">when you do use it</a>.

This library relies on the <a href="">graphql-elixir</a> library.

## Learning GraphQL and Relay

It's important that you understand GraphQL first and then Relay second. Relay is simply a convention for how to organize a GraphQL schema so that Relay clients can query the GraphQL server in a standard way.

* <a href="">GraphQL Introduction</a>
* <a href="">GraphQL: A data query language</a>
* <a href="">Your First GraphQL Server</a>
* <a href="">Learn GraphQL</a>
* <a href="">GraphQL Specification</a>
* <a href="">Relay</a>
* <a href="">A Cartoon Guide To Facebook's Relay</a>

## Installation

  1. Add graphql_relay to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:graphql_relay, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure graphql_relay is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:graphql_relay]]