# Graveyard

A teeny-tiny ORM/library for managing ElasticSearch

## Installation

Just add

def deps do
    {:graveyard, "~> 0.1.0"}

to your `mix.exs`

# Configuration

Go to your `config/config.exs` and add the following configuration

config :tirexs, :uri, "ELASTIC_HOST"

config :graveyard,
  index: "YOUR_ES_INDEX",
  type: "YOUR_ES_TYPE",
  mappings: CustomMappingsModule

The `uri` configuration is for Tirexs, the middleman between Graveyard and your ElasticSearch instance.

`index` and `type` are the names of you Elastic index and type respectively. `mappings` is the name of the module that will hold your mappings for Elastic. It must implemente the `get_mappings/2` function. A short example follows

defmodule CustomMappingsModule do
  import Tirexs.Mapping

  def get_mappings(index_name, type_name) do
    index = [index: index_name, type: type_name]
    mappings do
      indexes "template", type: "keyword"

This uses the Tirexs `mappings` macro. For all available options see [this]( example.

After all is set, go into iex and run `Graveyard.Mapping.create_settings_and_mappings()` and you'll be ready to go.

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