# Grim

Grim is a pruning library that periodically destroys stale records that are no longer useful.

After installing Grim, add the `Grim.ReaperSupervisor` to your supervision tree with a list of schemas or queries
that you would like to delete.

      grim_config = [
        repo: MyApp.Repo,
        reapers: [Soul, Chaff, Spirit]

      children =
        {Grim.ReaperSupervisor, grim_config}

The reaper supervisor can be initialized in 4 different ways.

1. A list of Schemas, if you would like to use the default pruning values

      grim_config = [
        repo: Repo,
        reapers: [Soul, Chaff, Spirit]

2. A list of Schema tuples with configuration options
      grim_config = [
        repo: Repo,
        reapers: [{Soul, [ttl: 10_000]}, {Chaff, [poll_interval: 100]}, {Spirit, [batch_size: 10_000]}]

3. With explicit reaper child specs
      grim_config = [
        repo: Repo,
        reapers: [{Reaper, [query: Soul, poll_interval: 100]}, {Reaper, [query: Chaff]}, {Reaper, [batch_size: 100]}]

4. Or a combination of all of the above
      grim_config = [
        repo: Repo,
        reapers: [{Reaper, [query: Soul, poll_interval: 100]}, Chaff, {Spirit, [batch_size: 10_000]}]

The following configurations are available
:batch_size -> Number of records deleted at a time
:poll_interval -> How often grim should check for records to delete
:ttl -> How old should records be before they are deleted
:query -> An ecto Schema module name or an ecto query

## Installation

Install by adding `grim` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:grim, "~> 0.1.0"}

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