
defmodule Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.FailedNodeRemoveStatus do
  @moduledoc """
  This command reports on the attempted removal of a presumed failed node.


    * `:node_id` - the id of the node which removal for failure was attempted
    * `:seq_number` - the sequence number of the removal command
    * `:status` - whether the presumed failed node was removed

  When encoding the params you can encode for a specific command class version
  by passing the `:command_class_version` to the encode options

  Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.FailedNodeRemoveStatus.encode_params(failed_node_remove_status, command_class_version: 3)

  If there is no command class version specified this will encode to version 4 of
  the `NetworkManagementInclusion` command class. This version supports the use
  of 16 bit node ids.

  @behaviour Grizzly.ZWave.Command

  alias Grizzly.ZWave
  alias Grizzly.ZWave.{Command, DecodeError, NodeId}
  alias Grizzly.ZWave.CommandClasses.NetworkManagementInclusion

  @type status() :: :done | :failed_node_not_found | :failed_node_remove_fail
  @type param() :: {:node_id, char()} | {:seq_number, ZWave.seq_number()} | {:status, status}

  @impl Grizzly.ZWave.Command
  @spec new([param()]) :: {:ok, Command.t()}
  def new(params) do
    command = %Command{
      name: :failed_node_remove_status,
      command_byte: 0x08,
      command_class: NetworkManagementInclusion,
      params: params,
      impl: __MODULE__

    {:ok, command}

  @impl Grizzly.ZWave.Command
  def encode_params(command, opts \\ []) do
    seq_number = Command.param!(command, :seq_number)
    node_id = Command.param!(command, :node_id)
    status_byte = Command.param!(command, :status) |> encode_status()

    case Keyword.get(opts, :command_class_version, 4) do
      4 ->
        <<seq_number, status_byte, NodeId.encode_extended(node_id)::binary>>

      v when v < 4 ->
        <<seq_number, status_byte, node_id>>

  @impl Grizzly.ZWave.Command
  @spec decode_params(binary()) :: {:ok, [param()]} | {:error, DecodeError.t()}
  def decode_params(<<seq_number, status_byte, node_id_bin::binary>>) do
    with {:ok, status} <- decode_status(status_byte) do
      node_id = NodeId.parse(node_id_bin)

      {:ok, [seq_number: seq_number, node_id: node_id, status: status]}
      {:error, %DecodeError{} = error} ->
        {:error, error}

  defp encode_status(:failed_node_not_found), do: 0x00
  defp encode_status(:done), do: 0x01
  defp encode_status(:failed_node_remove_fail), do: 0x02

  defp decode_status(0x00), do: {:ok, :failed_node_not_found}
  defp decode_status(0x01), do: {:ok, :done}
  defp decode_status(0x02), do: {:ok, :failed_node_remove_fail}

  defp decode_status(byte),
    do: {:error, %DecodeError{value: byte, param: :status, command: :failed_node_remove_status}}