
defmodule Grizzly.ZWave.DeviceClass do
  @moduledoc """
  Z-Wave device classes

  Z-Wave device classes allow grouping devices with the same functionality
  together. Moreover, the device class specification for specific device classes
  provide mandatory and recommended command class support.

  alias Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.VersionReport
  alias Grizzly.ZWave.{CommandClasses, DeviceClasses}

  @type command_class_version() :: integer()

  @type command_class_spec() :: %{
          support: %{required(CommandClasses.command_class()) => command_class_version()},
          control: %{required(CommandClasses.command_class()) => command_class_version()}

  @type t() :: %{
          basic_device_class: DeviceClasses.basic_device_class(),
          generic_device_class: DeviceClasses.generic_device_class(),
          specific_device_class: DeviceClasses.specific_device_class(),
          command_classes: command_class_spec(),
          manufacturer_id: non_neg_integer(),
          product_id: non_neg_integer(),
          product_type_id: non_neg_integer(),
          library_type: VersionReport.library_type()

  @doc """
  Get the command class version for the command class
  @spec get_command_class_version(t(), CommandClasses.command_class()) :: non_neg_integer() | nil
  def get_command_class_version(device_class, command_class) do
    |> Map.merge(
    |> Enum.find_value(fn
      {^command_class, version} -> version
      _ -> nil

  @doc """
  Check if the device class specification includes a particular command class
  @spec has_command_class?(t(), CommandClasses.command_class()) :: boolean()
  def has_command_class?(device_class, command_class) do
    |> Map.merge(
    |> Enum.find_value(fn
      {^command_class, _version} -> true
      _ -> false

  @doc """
  A device class for a HVAC thermostat
  @spec thermostat_hvac() :: t()
  def thermostat_hvac() do
      basic_device_class: :routing_slave,
      generic_device_class: :thermostat,
      specific_device_class: :thermostat_general_v2,
      command_classes: %{
        support: %{
          alarm: 3,
          association: 2,
          association_group_information: 1,
          basic: 1,
          battery: 1,
          device_reset_locally: 1,
          manufacturer_specific: 2,
          power_level: 1,
          security_2: 1,
          supervision: 1,
          thermostat_mode: 3,
          thermostat_fan_mode: 1,
          thermostat_fan_state: 1,
          thermostat_setpoint: 2,
          transport_service: 2,
          sensor_multilevel: 5,
          version: 2,
          zwave_plus_info: 2
        control: %{}
      manufacturer_id: 0x0000,
      product_id: 0x0000,
      product_type_id: 0x0000,
      library_type: :routing_slave

  @doc """
  Device class spec for a generic multilevel sensor
  @spec multilevel_sensor() :: t()
  def multilevel_sensor() do
      basic_device_class: :routing_slave,
      generic_device_class: :sensor_multilevel,
      specific_device_class: :routing_sensor_multilevel,
      command_classes: %{
        support: %{
          alarm: 3,
          association: 2,
          association_group_information: 1,
          basic: 1,
          battery: 1,
          device_reset_locally: 1,
          manufacturer_specific: 2,
          security_2: 1,
          sensor_multilevel: 5,
          version: 2,
          zwave_plus_info: 2
        control: %{}
      manufacturer_id: 0x0000,
      product_id: 0x0000,
      product_type_id: 0x0000,
      library_type: :routing_slave