# GrovePi

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Use the [GrovePi+][dexter] and sensors in Elixir on a Raspberry Pi. If you have
a Beaglebone Green or other port that has direct access to sensors (rather than
going through a GrovePi+), take a look at [nerves_grove][nerves_grove].

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `grovepi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:grovepi, "~> 0.3.0"}]

The `grovepi` library uses [elixir_ale][ale] for I2C communication to the
GrovePi+. This only works on Raspberry Pi computers. If you're working on
another platform, a stub is available for debugging and testing. When building
`grovepi` standalone, be aware that `elixir_ale` is only used for `MIX_ENV=prod`
builds. To use the stub in your own programs, add the following to your

  config :grovepi, :i2c, GrovePi.I2C

## API Documentation

See the generated documentation at [][docs].

# Contributions

We welcome contributions to tackle issues in GrovePi.

## Setup

First fork the repository and fetch your own copy

mix deps.get
mix test

## Submitting a Pull Request

1. [Fork the repository.][fork]
2. [Create a topic branch.][branch]
3. Add tests for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
4. Run `mix test`. If your tests pass, return to step 3.
5. Implement your feature or bug fix.
6. Run `mix test`. If your tests fail, return to step 5.
7. Commit, and push your changes.
8. [Submit a pull request.][pr]

## Running Tests

All tests can be run with `mix test` or a single test file can be run
with `mix test path/to/file_test.exs`.

If you would like tests to run in the background as you change files you
can run `mix`.
