# GRPCClientPool Elixir


A connection pooling library to be used along with [grpc]( to create a connection pool of gRPC clients

## Installation

The package can be installed with:

def deps do
    {:grpc_client_pool, "~> 0.0.1-beta"}

## Usage

1. Follow [grpc]( instructions on how to generate the elixir code
2. Create a module in your app that will act as a client and make it use the connection pool:

defmodule MyApp.GRPCClient do
  use GRPCClientPool,
    otp_app: :my_app

3. Configure the client:
config :my_app, MyApp.GRPCClient,
  size: 2,                                  
  max_overflow: 10,
  url: "localhost:50051,
  connect_opts: []

4. Add client requests within your new module:

defmodule MyApp.GRPCClient do
  use GRPCClientPool,
    otp_app: :my_app

  alias GeneratedProto.ApiInput
  alias GeneratedProto.ApiService.Stub

  def remote_function(%ApiInput{} = params) do
    with_channel(fn channel ->
      Stub.remote_function(channel, params)

## Options

The available configuration parameters are:

| Name         | Default | Required | Description                                                                                                                                                                     |
| size         | 2       | false    | Poolboy size parameter                                                                                                                                                          |
| max_overflow | 10      | false    | Poolboy max_overflow parameter                                                                                                                                                  |
| url          | nil     | true     | The url to be used as first argument of `GRPC.Stub.connect/2`. Can be either a string or {:system, "ENV"} or {:system, "ENV", "default"} to load the value from an env variable |
| connect_opts | []      | false    | The second argument passed to `GRPC.Stub.connect/2`                                                                                                                             |


- [] Better naming logic for poolboy's pool
- [] Tests
- [] Configurable checkout timeout
- [] Better way of getting channel
- [] Handle connection errors
- [] Module docs