
Library for creating [grpc]( servers in Erlang, based on the [chatterbox]( http2 server.

Very much still alpha quality.

Implementing a Service

The easiest way to get started is using the plugin, [grpcbox_plugin](

{deps, [grpcbox]}.

{grpc, [{protos, "priv/protos"},
        {gpb_opts, [{module_name_suffix, "_pb"}]}]}.

{plugins, [grpcbox_plugin]}.

Currently `grpcbox` and the plugin are a bit picky and the `gpb` options will always include `[use_packages, maps, {i, "."}, {o, "src"}]`.

Assuming the `priv/protos` directory of your application has the `route_guide.proto` found in this repo, `priv/protos/route_guide.proto`, the output from running the plugin will be:

$ rebar3 grpc gen
===> Writing src/route_guide_pb.erl
===> Writing src/grpcbox_route_guide_bhvr.erl

A behaviour is used because it provides a way to generate the interface and types without being where the actual implementation is also done. This way if a change happens to the proto you can regenerate the interface without any issues with the implementation of the service, simply then update the implemntation callbacks to match the changed interface.

#### Unary RPC

Unary RPCs receive a single request and return a single response. The RPC `GetFeature` takes a single `Point` and returns the `Feature` at that point:

rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {}

The callback generated by the `grpcbox_plugin` will look like:

-callback get_feature(ctx:ctx(), route_guide_pb:'grpcbox.Point'()) ->
    {ok, route_guide_pb:'grpcbox.Feature'()} | {error, term()}.

And the implementation is as simple as an Erlang function that takes the arguments `Ctx`, the context of this current request, and a `Point` map, returning a `Feature` map:

get_feature(Ctx, Point) ->
    Feature = #{name => find_point(Point, data()),
                location => Point},
    {ok, Feature, Ctx}.

#### Streaming Output

Instead of returning a single feature the server can stream a response of multiple features by defining the RPC to have a `stream Feature` return:

rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {}

In this case the callback still receives a map argument but also a `grpcbox_stream` argument:

-callback list_features(route_guide_pb:'grpcbox.Rectangle'(), grpcbox_stream:t()) ->
    ok | {error, term()}.

The `GrpcStream` variable is passed to `grpcbox_stream:send/2` for returning an individual feature over the stream to the client. The stream is ended by the server when the function completes.

list_features(_Message, GrpcStream) ->
    grpcbox_stream:send(#{name => <<"Tour Eiffel">>,
                                        location => #{latitude => 3,
                                                      longitude => 5}}, GrpcStream),
    grpcbox_stream:send(#{name => <<"Louvre">>,
                          location => #{latitude => 4,
                                        longitude => 5}}, GrpcStream),

#### Streaming Input

The client can also stream a sequence of messages:

rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {}

In this case the callback receives a `reference()` instead of a direct value from the client:

-callback record_route(reference(), grpcbox_stream:t()) ->
    {ok, route_guide_pb:'grpcbox.RouteSummary'()} | {error, term()}.

The process the callback is running in will receive the individual messages on the stream as tuples `{reference(), route_guide_pb:'grpcbox.Point'()}`. The end of the stream is sent as the message `{reference(), eos}` at which point the function can return the response:

record_route(Ref, GrpcStream) ->
    record_route(Ref, #{t_start => erlang:system_time(1),
                            acc => []}, GrpcStream).

record_route(Ref, Data=#{t_start := T0, acc := Points}, GrpcStream) ->
        {Ref, eos} ->
            {ok, #{elapsed_time => erlang:system_time(1) - T0,
                   point_count => length(Points),
                   feature_count => count_features(Points),
                   distance => distance(Points)}, GrpcStream};
        {Ref, Point} ->
            record_route(Ref, Data#{acc => [Point | Points]}, GrpcStream)

#### Streaming In and Out

A bidrectional streaming RPC is defined when both input and output are streams:
rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {}

-callback route_chat(reference(), grpcbox_stream:t()) ->
    ok | {error, term()}.

The sequence of input messages will again be sent to the callback's process as Erlang messages and any output messages are sent to the client with `grpcbox_stream`:

route_chat(Ref, GrpcStream) ->
    route_chat(Ref, [], GrpcStream).

route_chat(Ref, Data, GrpcStream) ->
        {Ref, eos} ->
        {Ref, #{location := Location} = P} ->
            Messages = proplists:get_all_values(Location, Data),
            [grpcbox_stream:send(Message, GrpcStream) || Message <- Messages],
            route_chat(Ref, [{Location, P} | Data], GrpcStream)

#### Metadata

Metadata is sent in headers and trailers.


To run the Common Test suite:

$ rebar3 ct

To run another client implementation to test, in particular the route guide example that comes with the Go client, ``:

$ rebar3 as test shell

And run the client from your `$GOPATH`:

$ bin/client -server_addr