# gtui

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This is inspired from TUI packages like [bubbleTea](
## To Add
gleam add gtui

## Usage

import gtui

fn main(){
    let state = State(...)
    let appl = gtui.new_application(state, render, update, events)

## components 

#### State

type State{
State is the information stored in the application, It can be store any type as needed  

#### Message

type Message{

These are all possible messages that the application needs to handle

#### Render

fn render(state: State) -> String{

render function takes the state of the application and returns the String that will be shown on the screen,  
The package takes care of replacing the previous render

#### Update

fn update(state: State, message: Message) -> #(State, Bool){

The function takes in a state and a message and returns the new state of the application and Bool denoting whether the Application keeps running or not

#### Events

Events are a list of functions that return a Subject from the `gleam_erlang` library and a clean up function

fn event() -> #(process.Subject(Message), fn() -> Nil){

let Events = [event]

An Event is a function that will return a `process.Subject`, The intended use of this is to create a seperate process that will push messages onto the returned Subject,  
the package will poll the event and on recieving a message update the state of the application 

We will also return a cleanup function which will be run before the application closes to run any code to clean up the events

### Examples
Basic Examples of a infinite spinner and a list is available in the `examples` folder


Further documentation can be found at <>.