
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Plug) do
  defmodule Guardian.Plug.Pipeline do
    @moduledoc """
    Helps to build plug pipelines for use with Guardian and associated plugs.

    All Guardian provided plugs have a number of features.

    1. They take a `:key` option to know where to store information in the session and connection
    2. They require a reference to the implementation (the module that `use Guardian`)
    3. They require a reference to an error handling module

    These references are passed through the connection so they must be put in place
    before the Guardian Plugs. By using a pipeline this is taken care of for you.

    The easiest way to use `Guardian.Plug.Pipeline` is to create a module that defines your pipeline.

    defmodule MyApp.AuthPipeline do
    use Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, otp_app: :my_app,
    module: MyApp.Tokens,
    error_handler: MyApp.AuthErrorHandler

    @claims %{iss: "IssuerApp"}

    plug Guardian.Plug.VerifySession, claims: @claims
    plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, claims: @claims, scheme: "Bearer"
    plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated
    plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource, allow_blank: true

    When you want to use the pipeline you just use it like a normal plug.

    plug MyApp.AuthPipeline

    This pipeline will look for tokens in either the session (it's ok if it's not loaded)
    followed by the header if one wasn't found in the session.

    We then ensure that we found a token and fail if not.

    Given that we found a token, we then attempt to load the resource the token
    refers to, failing if one is not found.

    ### Customizing your pipeline

    Once you've created a pipeline, you can customize it when you call it with options.

    plug MyApp.AuthPipeline, module: MyApp.ADifferentGuardianModule
    # OR
    plug MyApp.AuthPipeline, key: :impersonate

    ### Options

    You can provide options to the pipeline when you `use Guardian.Plug.Pipeline`
    or you can provide them when you call the plug.

    Additionally, for every option other than `:otp_app` you can use elixir
    configuration, the `use` options, or inline options.

    * `:otp_app` - The otp app where the pipeline modules can be found
    * `:module` - The `Guardian` implementation module
    * `:error_handler` - The error handler module
    * `:key` - The key to use

    ### Keys

    Using keys allows you to specify locations in the session/connection where
    the tokens and resources will be placed. This allows multiple authenticated
    tokens to be in play for a single request. This is useful for impersonation or
    higher security areas where you can have a specific set of privileges and
    still be logged in.

    ### Error handler

    When using plugs, you'll need to specify an error handler module

    See `Guardian.Plug.ErrorHandler` documentation for more details.

    ### Inline pipelines

    If you want to define your pipeline inline, you can do so by using
    `Guardian.Plug.Pipeline` as a plug itself.

    You _must_ supply the module and error handler inline if you do this.

    plug Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, module: MyApp.Tokens,
    error_handler: MyApp.AuthErrorHandler
    plug Guardian.VerifyHeader, scheme: "Bearer"

    Inline pipelines are also good to change the error handler that you want to use.

    Note that you must set the pipeline before using other guardian plugs.

    # Use the MyApp.AuthErrorHandler for downstream Guardian plugs
    plug Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, module: MyApp.Tokens,
    error_handler: MyApp.AuthErrorHandler
    plug Guardian.VerifyHeader, scheme: "Bearer"

    # Now change out the error handler for plugs downstream of this one.
    plug Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, error_handler: MyApp.SpecialAuthErrorHandler


    @doc """
    Create your very own `Guardian.Plug.Pipeline`

    Using this macro will make your module into a plug builder.

    It will provide your pipeline with the Guardian implementation module and error
    handler so that it can be used within your pipeline and downstream.
    defmacro __using__(opts \\ []) do
      alias Guardian.Plug.Pipeline

      quote do
        use Plug.Builder

        import Pipeline


        def init(options) do
          new_opts =
            |> Keyword.merge(unquote(opts))
            |> config()

          unless Keyword.get(new_opts, :otp_app), do: raise_error(:otp_app)


        defp config(opts) do
          case Keyword.get(opts, :otp_app) do
            nil ->

            otp_app ->
              |> Application.get_env(__MODULE__, [])
              |> Keyword.merge(opts)

        defp config(opts, key, default \\ nil) do
          |> Keyword.merge(opts)
          |> config()
          |> Keyword.get(key)
          |> Guardian.Config.resolve_value()

        defp put_modules(conn, opts) do
          pipeline_opts = [
            module: config(opts, :module),
            error_handler: config(opts, :error_handler),
            key: config(opts, :key, Guardian.Plug.default_key())

, pipeline_opts)

        @spec raise_error(atom()) :: no_return
        defp raise_error(key), do: raise("Config `#{key}` is missing for #{__MODULE__}")

    import Plug.Conn
    @behaviour Plug

    @impl Plug
    @spec init(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t()
    def init(opts), do: opts

    @impl Plug
    @spec call(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
    def call(conn, opts) do
      |> maybe_put_key(:guardian_module, Keyword.get(opts, :module))
      |> maybe_put_key(:guardian_error_handler, Keyword.get(opts, :error_handler))
      |> maybe_put_key(:guardian_key, Keyword.get(opts, :key))

    def put_key(conn, key), do: put_private(conn, :guardian_key, key)

    def put_module(conn, module), do: put_private(conn, :guardian_module, module)

    def put_error_handler(conn, module), do: put_private(conn, :guardian_error_handler, module)

    def current_key(conn), do: conn.private[:guardian_key]

    def current_module(conn), do: conn.private[:guardian_module]

    def current_error_handler(conn), do: conn.private[:guardian_error_handler]

    def fetch_key(conn, opts),
      do: Keyword.get(opts, :key, current_key(conn)) || Guardian.Plug.default_key()

    def fetch_module(conn, opts), do: Keyword.get(opts, :module, current_module(conn))

    def fetch_module!(conn, opts) do
      module = fetch_module(conn, opts)

      if module do

    def fetch_error_handler(conn, opts),
      do: Keyword.get(opts, :error_handler, current_error_handler(conn))

    def fetch_error_handler!(conn, opts) do
      module = fetch_error_handler(conn, opts)

      if module do

    defp maybe_put_key(conn, _, nil), do: conn
    defp maybe_put_key(conn, key, v), do: put_private(conn, key, v)

    defp raise_error(key), do: raise("`#{key}` not set in Guardian pipeline")