# Guardsafe
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Macros expanding into code that can be safely used in guard clauses.
## Usage
Update your `mix.exs` file and run `mix deps.get`.
defp deps do
[{:guardsafe, "~> 0.4.0"}]
Import all the macros...
defmodule MyModule do
import Guardsafe
...or just the ones you need.
defmodule MyOtherModule do
import Guardsafe, only: [divisible_by?: 2, integer?: 1]
Now go forth and make your guard clauses more readable!
def leap_year?(year) when not integer?(year), do: raise "That's not a proper year!"
def leap_year?(year) when divisible_by?(year, 400), do: true
def leap_year?(year) when divisible_by?(year, 100), do: false
def leap_year?(year), do: divisible_by?(year, 4)
Documentation for each macro is of course available in `iex`.
iex(1)> h Guardsafe.divisible_by?
defmacro divisible_by?(number, divisor)
Expands divisible_by?(number, divisor) into rem(number, divisor) == 0
## Available macros
**NB:** If a macro is translated into a function residing in another module
than `Kernel` you need to require it before use, e.g. `require Integer`.
#### Macros for checking types
* `atom?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_atom/1`
* `binary?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_binary/1`
* `bitstring?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_bitstring/1`
* `boolean?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_boolean/1`
* `float?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_float/1`
* `function?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_function/1`
* `function?/2` - translates into `Kernel.is_function/2`
* `integer?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_integer/1`
* `list?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_list/1`
* `map?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_map/1`
* `nil?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_nil/1`
* `number?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_number/1`
* `pid?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_pid/1`
* `port?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_port/1`
* `reference?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_reference/1`
* `tuple?/1` - translates into `Kernel.is_tuple/1`
#### Macros for checking values
* `divisible_by?/2` - checks whether two integers are evenly divisible.
* `even?/1` - returns true for even integers.
* `odd?/1` - returns true for odd integers.
* `within?/3` - checks whether a value is in the range of the last two arguments.
#### Macros for dates and times
* `date?/1` - checks if the term is an Erlang-style date tuple.
* `datetime?/1` - checks if the term is an Erlang-style datetime tuple.
* `time?/1` - checks if the term is an Erlang-style time tuple.
_These can come in handy when working with a library such as [GoodTimes](https://github.com/magplus/good_times)._
### Why nil? and float? instead of is_nil and is_float
While the Elixir core team thinks that `nil?` compared to `is_nil` is [an inconcistency](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elixir-lang-core/FaKJstePFV0), others, especially Rubyists, are more comfortable with the `nil?` notation.
## Online documentation
For more information, see [the full documentation](http://hexdocs.pm/guardsafe/).