defmodule Gumroad.Client do
@moduledoc """
Defines a behaviour of a client that can be used for performing actions against
a Gumroad implementation.
Two implementations are provided:
- `Gumroad.Client.Live` - Default client used in production. This one connects to
the Gumroad API.
- `Gumroad.Client.Mock` - Client to be used in tests. This returns canned responses
_without_ making requests to the Gurmoad API.
You can configure your application to use either of these implementation by setting
the `:gumroad_elixir`, `:client` config property:
# In test mode, you'd probably want to use the Mock implementation
# config/test.exs
config :gumroad_elixir, :client, Gumroad.Client.Mock
# In prod, you should use the Live implementation (which is the default)
# config/prod.exs
config :gumroad_elixir, :client, Gumroad.Client.Live
@doc """
Retrieve all of the existing products.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /products`.
@callback get_products() :: {:ok, list(Gumroad.Product.t())} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Retrieve the details of a product.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /products/:id`.
@callback get_product(product_id :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, Gumroad.Product.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Retrieve all active subscriptions for the given resource name.
Valid resource names are:
- `sale`
- `refund`
- `dispute`
- `dispute_won`
- `cancellation`
- `subscription_updated`
- `subscription_ended`
- `subscription_restarted`
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /resource_subscriptions`.
@callback get_resource_subscriptions(resource_name :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, list(Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.t())} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Subscribe to a resource.
Valid resource names are:
- `sale`
- `refund`
- `dispute`
- `dispute_won`
- `cancellation`
- `subscription_updated`
- `subscription_ended`
- `subscription_restarted`
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`PUT /resource_subscriptions`.
@callback create_resource_subscription(params :: Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.create_params()) ::
{:ok, Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Unsubscribe from a resource.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`DELETE /resource_subscriptions/:resource_subscription_id`.
@callback delete_resource_subscription(resource_subscription_id :: String.t()) ::
{:ok} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Retrieve the subscribers of the given product.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /products/:product_id/subcribers`.
@callback get_subscribers(product_id :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, list(Gumroad.Subscriber.t())} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Retrieve a subscriber by their ID.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /subscribers/:id`.
@callback get_subscriber(subscriber_id :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, Gumroad.Subscriber.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@doc """
Retrieve a sale by its ID.
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /sales/:id`.
@callback get_sale(sale_id :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, Gumroad.Sale.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}
@type get_sales_params :: %{
after: String.t() | nil,
before: String.t() | nil,
product_id: String.t() | nil,
email: String.t() | nil,
order_id: String.t() | nil,
page: number()
@doc """
Retrieves all of the successful sales by the authenticated user.
## Parameters
* `after` (optional, date in form YYYY-MM-DD) - Only return sales after this date
* `before` (optional, date in form YYYY-MM-DD) - Only return sales before this date
* `product_id` (optional) - Filter sales by this product
* `email` (optional) - Filter sales by this email
* `order_id` (optional) - Filter sales by this Order ID
* `page` (number) - Return this page of results
## API
When using `Gumroad.Client.Live`, this will call the Gumroad API at
`GET /sales`.
@callback get_sales(params :: get_sales_params()) ::
{:ok, list(Gumroad.Sale.t())} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}