Library for simplifying interactions with the HackerOne API.
$ rebar3 compile
Add to your dependencies in ```rebar.config```:
{ deps, [
{ h1, { git, "git://github.com/wrren/h1.erl.git"} }
] }
Copy ```config/test.config.example``` to ```config/test.config``` and fill in the values there, the
included common test suite requires these configuration values in order to run.
rebar3 do compile, eunit, ct
Program = "program", %% Your Program Name (uber, riot, etc.)
Handle = h1:init( "token_id", "token_key" ), %% Initialize a handle for use in requests
{ ok, Report } = h1:report( 12345, Handle ), %% Retrieve the report with the specified ID
%% Find all reports created before September 16th, 2016 that have had a bounty awarded
{ ok, CreatedBefore } = h1:reports( [{ created_before, "2016-09-16T00:00:00Z" }, { bounty_awarded, true }], Program, Handle ),
%% Using map syntax
{ ok, CreatedBefore } = h1:reports( #{ created_before => "2016-09-16T00:00:00Z",
bounty_awarded => true }, Program, Handle ),
%% Using calendar:datetime() type
{ ok, CreatedBefore } = h1:reports( #{ closed_before => calendar:universal_time(),
bounty_awarded => true }, Program, Handle ),
%% The reports() function returns a h1_page handle which can be used to traverse all pages in a result set
{ ok, PageOne } h1:reports( #{ closed_before => calendar:universal_time(),
bounty_awarded => true }, Program, Handle ),
case h1_page:is_last( PageOne ) of
true -> ok; %% That was the first and only page
false ->
{ ok, PageTwo } = h1_page:next( PageOne ), %% Get the next page
lager:info( "Reports on Page 2: ~p, [h1_page:reports( PageTwo ) ] ) %% Get the reports from the page results
%% Available Filters:
%% program ([string()] | string())
%% state ([string()] | string())
%% id ([string()] | string())
%% created_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% created_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% triaged_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% triaged_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% closed_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% closed_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% disclosed_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% disclosed_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% swag_awarded_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% swag_awarded_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% bounty_awarded_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% bounty_awarded_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_reporter_activity_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_reporter_activity_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_program_activity_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_program_activity_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% first_program_activity_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% first_program_activity_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_activity_after (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% last_activity_before (calendar:datetime() | string())
%% triaged (boolean())
%% closed (boolean())
%% disclosed (boolean())
%% swag_awarded (boolean())
%% bounty_awarded (boolean())
%% first_program_activity (boolean())