# Haiku
Generates memorable names similar to Xaddress or Heroku. Supports custom
words, custom delimiters, and custom reducer functions.
## Installation
Add `haiku` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:haiku, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Usage
iex> Haiku.build
iex> Haiku.build(delimiter: '.')
iex> Haiku.build(range: 99)
iex> Haiku.build(delimiter: '.', range: 99)
## Configuration
In your `config.exs`:
config :haiku,
delimiter: '.',
range: 9999,
adjectives: ~w(autumn hidden bitter misty},
nouns: ~w(meadow sun glade bird}
reducer_module: Haiku.Custom
reducer_function: :custom_reduce
> Note that `reducer_function` receives a list of `args` with the format: `[delimiter, adjective, noun, number]`.
## Thanks
**haiku** © 2016+, Yos Riady. Released under the [MIT] License.<br>
Authored and maintained by Yos Riady with help from contributors ([list][contributors]).
> [yos.io](http://yos.io) ·
> GitHub [@yosriady](https://github.com/yosriady)
[MIT]: http://mit-license.org/
[contributors]: http://github.com/yosriady/haiku/contributors