<p align="center"><img src="logo/horizontal.png" alt="hammer" height="150px"></p>

# Hammer

A rate-limiter for Elixir, with pluggable storage backends.

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## New! Hammer-Plug

We've just released a new helper-library to make adding rate-limiting to your Phoenix
(or other plug-based) application even easier: [Hammer.Plug](

## Installation

Hammer is [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `hammer` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:hammer, "~> 6.0"}]

## Documentation

On hexdocs: [](

The [Tutorial]( is an especially good place to start.

## Usage


defmodule MyApp.VideoUpload do

  def upload(video_data, user_id) do
    case Hammer.check_rate("upload_video:#{user_id}", 60_000, 5) do
      {:allow, _count} ->
        # upload the video, somehow
      {:deny, _limit} ->
        # deny the request


The `Hammer` module provides the following functions:

- `check_rate(id, scale_ms, limit)`
- `check_rate_inc(id, scale_ms, limit, increment)`
- `inspect_bucket(id, scale_ms, limit)`
- `delete_buckets(id)`

Backends are configured via `Mix.Config`:

config :hammer,
  backend: {Hammer.Backend.ETS, [expiry_ms: 60_000 * 60 * 4,
                                 cleanup_interval_ms: 60_000 * 10]}

See the [Tutorial]( for more.

See the [Hammer Testbed]( app for an example of
using Hammer in a Phoenix application.

## Available Backends

- Hammer.Backend.ETS (provided with Hammer for testing and dev purposes, not very good for production use)
- [Hammer.Backend.Redis](

## Getting Help

If you're having trouble, either open an issue on this repo, or reach out to the maintainers ([@shanekilkelly]( on Twitter.

## Acknowledgements

Hammer was inspired by the [ExRated]( library, by [grempe](