# Changelog

## 6.1.1 (2022-11-11)

### Changed

- package update and ownership transferred

## 6.1.0

### Changed

- Return actual count upon bucket creation (thanks to @davelively14,

## 6.0.1

### Added

- Accept an optional `redis_url` option

### Changed

- Updated dependencies in test environment (thanks to @ono,

### Fixed

- Fixed a crash in `delete_buckets` (thanks to @ono,

## 6.0.0

### Changed

- Raise an error if `expiry_ms` is not configured explicitly
- Update the `redix` dependency to `~> 0.8`

### Fixed

- Actually honor `:redis_config`, as is claimed in the documentation

## 4.0.3

### Fixed

- Fix a rare crash, again related to race-conditions

## 4.0.2

### Fixed

- Fixed race-condition, really this time

## 4.0.1

### Fixed

- Fixed a race-condition that could cause crashes

## 4.0.0

### Changed

- Update to `Hammer 4.0`

## 3.0.0

### Changed

- Require elixir >= 1.6

## 2.0.0

### Changed

- Updated to new Hammer API

## 1.0.0

### Changed

- `hammer_backend_redis` now explicitly depends on `hammer`
- Implement the `Hammer.Backend` behaviour
- Alias `redix_config` to `redis_config` in the config list, for convenience

## 0.1.0

Initial release.