# Han
Utils for processing chinese.
This module provides three core functionalities related to chinese:
1. translate: translate between tranditional chinese to simplified chinese based on [Wikipedia's conversion data]("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/master/languages/data/ZhConversion.php").
2. pinyin: translate chinese words to pinyin. It is based on the data from [janx/ruby-pinyin](https://github.com/janx/ruby-pinyin).
3. slugify: slugify chinese words.
## Installation
First, add Han to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
[{:han, "~> 0.3.0"}]
Then, run `$ mix deps.get` to get the dependencies.
> This module will compile over 133, 000 functions by default (compile all the 2-char phrases and 1-char chanracters). Due to this, compilation time is around 30 minutes. So be patient! You can set environment variable `MAX_WORD_LEN` to tune the compilation:
# This will compile around 40, 000 functions
$ MAX_WORD_LEN=1 mix compile
## Update database
This module has a built-in mix task - update database:
$ mix han.update_database
The downloaded file will be placed into `priv/`.
## Usage
Han is very easy to use, as follows:
### Translate
iex> Han.translate("中国")
iex> Han.translate("中国", :simplified)
iex> Han.translate("中國", :traditional)
### Pinyin
iex> Han.pinyin("中国")
"zhōng guó"
iex> Han.pinyin("中国", :simplified)
"zhōng guó"
iex> Han.pinyin("中國", :traditional)
"zhōng guó"
### Slugify
iex> Han.slugify("中国")
iex> Han.slugify("中國", :traditional)
iex> Han.slugify(" *& 46 848 中 ----- 国")
iex> Han.slugify("关于 Elixir 的 HTML5 页面")
## Performance
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Number of Available Cores: 12
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.8.1
Erlang 21.3.3
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 56 s
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
translate a simplified chinese character 3242.74 K 0.31 μs ±8355.96% 0 μs 1 μs
translate a traditional chinese character 3062.79 K 0.33 μs ±11885.74% 0 μs 1 μs
pinyin a sentence in simplified chinese 82.29 K 12.15 μs ±58.57% 12 μs 22 μs
translate a sentence in simplified chinese 77.82 K 12.85 μs ±38.33% 12 μs 29 μs
translate a sentence in traditional chinese 77.69 K 12.87 μs ±51.61% 13 μs 18 μs
pinyin a sentence in traditional chinese 36.19 K 27.63 μs ±14.74% 27 μs 36 μs
slugify a sentence in simplified chinese 5.59 K 178.85 μs ±9.50% 176 μs 256 μs
slugify a sentence in traditional chinese 5.09 K 196.59 μs ±6.97% 193 μs 272 μs
## License