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# handles

`handles` is a templating language written in pure Gleam. Heavily inspired by [mustache]( and [Handlebars.js](

gleam add handles

import gleam/io
import gleam/string_builder
import handles
import handles/ctx

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(greet_template) = handles.prepare("Hello {{.}}!")
  let assert Ok(template) =
    handles.prepare("{{>greet world}}\n{{>greet community}}\n{{>greet you}}")
  let assert Ok(string) =
        ctx.Prop("world", ctx.Str("World")),
        ctx.Prop("community", ctx.Str("Gleam Community")),
        ctx.Prop("you", ctx.Str("YOU")),
      [#("greet", greet_template)],

  |> string_builder.to_string
  |> io.println

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Usage Documentation

__Handles__ a is very simple templating language that consists of a single primitive, the "tag".
A tag starts with two open braces `{{`, followed by a string body, and ends with two closing braces `}}`.
There are three kinds of tags, [Property tags](#property-tags), [Block tags](#block-tags), and [Partial tags](#partial-tags).

### Property tags

A property tag is used to access properties passed into the template engine and insert them into the resulting string in-place of the property tag.
Values accessed by a property tag must be of type `String`, `Int`, or `Float`, or it will result in a runtime error.
Accessing a property which was not passed into the template engine will result in a runtime error.

A property tag can refer to a nested property with `.` separating keys in nested dicts.


A property can also refer to the current context element by passing a single `.`.


### Block tags

A block tag is used to temporarily alter the behavior of the templating engine.
Each block tag have two variants; A start tag indicated by a leading `#` and a stop tag indicated by a leading `/`.
A blocks start tag accepts a property accessor, while the end tag does not.

#### if

`if` blocks are used to conditionally _include_ parts of a templated based on the value of a property.
Values accessed by an if block must be of type `Bool` or it will result in a runtime error.
Accessing a property which was not passed into the template engine will result in a runtime error.

{{#if some.prop}}

#### unless

`unless` blocks are used to conditionally _exclude_ parts of a templated based on the value of a property.
Values accessed by an `unless` block must be of type `Bool` or it will result in a runtime error.
Accessing a property which was not passed into the template engine will result in a runtime error.

{{#unless some.prop}}

#### each

`each` blocks are used to include a part of a templated zero or more times.
Values accessed by an `each` block must be of type `List` or it will result in a runtime error.
Accessing a property which was not passed into the template engine will result in a runtime error.
The context of which properties are resolved while inside the each block will be scoped to the current item from the list.

{{#each some.prop}}

### Partial tags

A partial tag is used to include other templates in-place of the partial tag.
Values accessed by a partial tag can be of any type and will be passed to the partial as the context of which properties are resolved against while inside the partial template.
Accessing a property which was not passed into the template engine will result in a runtime error.

{{>some_template some.prop.path}}

## Development

gleam test