# Handwrite

An Elixir library for working with [](

## Documentation

Hex package details can be found at [](

Detailed documentation can be found at [](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `handwrite` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:handwrite, "~> 1.0.0"}

## Configuration

To make API calls, it is necessary to configure your Handwrite API key. Add the following line to your `config.exs` file.

config :my_app, :handwrite, api_key: "test_HW_asdfasdfasdf"

## Usage

### Client

handwrite_config = Application.get_env(:my_app, :handwrite)
client = Handwrite.client(handwrite_config)

### Get a List of Stationeries


### Get a List of Handwritings


### Get an Existing Order

order_id = "5f6b5c09c77c9a00171c5304"
Handwrite.get_order(client, order_id)

### Send a Letter

letter = %Handwrite.Model.Letter{
  card: "5dc304cfbc08d20016f1ec2f",
  from: %Handwrite.Model.Sender{
    city: "Detroit",
    first_name: "First",
    last_name: "Last",
    state: "MI",
    street1: "123 6 Mile",
    street2: nil,
    zip: "12345"
  handwriting: "5dc306b0bc08d20016f1ec34",
  message: "Hey! Thanks for being awesome.",
  recipients: [
      city: "San Francisco",
      first_name: "First",
      last_name: "Last",
      state: "CA",
      street1: "543 Market St",
      zip: "54321"
Handwrite.send_letter(client, letter)