# Hangman Text Client

Text client for the _Hangman Game_.

##### Based on the course [Elixir for Programmers]( by Dave Thomas.

## Usage

To use `Hangman Text Client` locally, run these commands:

  - `git clone`
  - `cd hangman_text_client`
  - `mix deps.get`
  - `mix compile`

App `:hangman_engine` must run in node `:hangman_engine@<hostname>`.

### Short names

Start the engine:

  - `cd hangman_engine`
  - `iex --sname hangman_engine -S mix`
  - `:observer.start() # optional`

Start each client in a different node:

  - `cd hangman_text_client`
  - `set "MIX_ENV=dev" && iex --sname mike -S mix`
  - `Hangman.Text.Client.start()`

### Long names

Start the engine:

  - `cd hangman_engine`
  - `iex --name -S mix`
  - `:observer.start() # optional`

Start each client in a different node:

  - `cd hangman_text_client`
  - `set "MIX_ENV=prod" && iex --name -S mix`
  - `Hangman.Text.Client.start()`

### Short names using releases

Start the engine:

  - `cd hangman_engine`
  - `iex --sname hangman_engine --cookie fortune -S mix`
  - `:observer.start() # optional`

Start each client in a different node:

  - `cd hangman_text_client`
  - `"_build/dev/rel/hangman_text_client/bin/hangman_text_client" start_iex`
  - `Hangman.Text.Client.start()`

### Long names using releases

Start the engine:

  - `cd hangman_engine`
  - `iex --name --cookie fortune -S mix`
  - `:observer.start() # optional`

Start each client in a different node:

  - `cd hangman_text_client`
  - `"_build/prod/rel/hangman_text_client/bin/hangman_text_client" start_iex`
  - `Hangman.Text.Client.start()`